We all have that one friend who seems to defy all laws of calories and weight gain. You know, the one who can put down jumbo-size fries, jelly-filled donuts and staggering portions of spaghetti and never seem to gain an ounce. Is it just luck, or does this person have a weight-maintenance secret that we can all learn from? The latter is most likely, and adopting the tactics of the thin-yet-well-fed crowd can help the rest of us keep (or restore) our trim waistlines. read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag and a Delt/Bi/Tri Workout
Due to an early morning cancellation caused by the heavy smoke, I had some extra time this morning and I used part of the time for a 30 min heavy bag workout.
Later, I did a workout of DB shoulder presses, DB flyes, DB rear delt flyes, DB curls, BB supine tricep extensions (skull crushers), BB curls, and ring dips......all formed into various circuits and supersets.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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