~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

8 ways technology is making you stupid

8 ways technology is making you stupid
PEOPLE assume that iPhones, laptops and Netflix are evidence of progress. In some ways, that’s true. A moderate amount of Googling, for instance, can be good for your brain, and there are apps that can boost brain function and activity.
Yet tech advancements also come with some unintended consequences. Our brains being “massively rewired” by tech, says neuroscientist Michael Merzenich in The Shallows: What The internet Is Doing To Our Brains, a Pulitzer-nominated 2011 book by Nicholas Carr. Merzenich warns that the effect of technology on human intelligence could be “deadly.”
That got us thinking. How exactly is technology messing up our brains?  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run
Between my morning sessions and afternoon commitments, I made time for a run on Lower Table Rock.....once again, I didn't beat the heat and it did slow me down a bit.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Studies Reveal Health Risks Of E-Cigarettes

Studies Reveal Health Risks Of E-Cigarettes
“There’s no such thing as a safe cigarette.” This is a line that has been used to describe menthols, filtered cigarettes, and slims, but it also applies to the latest product for smokers: electronic cigarettes. They have been widely heralded by users and manufacturers as a completely harmless smoking alternative, but there isn't much research to back up that statement. Recent studies have shown that they still contain tiny particles that can irritate lung tissue and could cause disease.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Plyometrics and Heavy Bag
I took a break from the trails today, but I still made time for some activity.  I started with an upper and lower body plyometric workout, and followed that a bit later with a 30 min heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Snacks: Friends or Foes?

Snacks: Friends or Foes?
The truth is that an afternoon snack can be helpful or harmful for your health or weight-loss goals. If you make a poor choice, you’re typically better off not eating a snack at all. However, if you choose a wise snack at an appropriate time, it will help create a winning situation and set you up for an energy and mood boost and successful weight loss.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run
This morning I had time for a fun run on Upper Table Rock....unfortunately, I didn't manage to beat the heat.  Later, I pieced together a quick workout of pushups and various core exercises.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, July 28, 2014

Does Alcohol Really Cause "Beer Belly"?

Does Alcohol Really Cause "Beer Belly"?
You might notice a man struggling to fit his large stomach underneath the bar at a pub and assume he's a regular beer drinker because of his weight--but is that beer really the reason behind that belly? In a word, no--but it's a bit more complicated than that. What really causes the infamous "beer belly"?  read more


TOPFFIT Daily Activities --- Mount Ashland Meadows Run
My schedule opened up today and allowed enough time to head out to the Mound Ashland Meadows portion of the Pacific Crest Trail.  At those elevations there were still plenty of wildflowers to capture my attention, and as a reasult of all the photo ops, no speed records were set today.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, July 27, 2014

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

It's been another mixed week of activity.  In addition to the usual yard and house chores, I made time for:

2 Table Rock runs/hikes
2 Jacksonville Forest Park runs/hikes
1 bench press workout
1 pullup workout
1 ~TOPFIT 400~ workout
4 heavy bag workouts

Did you meet your health and fitness goals this past week?

~No Challenge, No Change~

How to Work Off Your Beer Belly

How to Work Off Your Beer Belly
Summertime barbecues and get-togethers typically give way to guilty pleasures, like over-indulging in tasty treats, such as cheeseburgers and potato chips, but they also have a tendency to increase the average beer drinker's habit of gulping back frosty brews. If you've added a "Freshman 15" at the age of 40, it might be time to reconsider your drinking habits and begin work on taming your beer belly.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag
It's been a mixed day of activity today.  I started with a couple of hours of active play time with grandkids and followed that with a 30 minute heavy bag workout.  Later I did a quick workout of pushups and planks, and some light yard/garden work.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Many Parents Are In Denial About Their Kids’ Obesity

Many Parents Are In Denial About Their Kids’ Obesity
A new study found that even when parents recognize that their children are overweight, many fail to do anything about it—or even to see it as a problem.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Run and the ~TOPFIT 400~
Since my morning opened up unexpectedly, I took advantage of the time and headed out to the Jacksonville Forest Park trails for a 5-6 mile run in the hills and valleys.  I did have to stop a couple of times to enjoy some of the wild blackberries that I found, especially since I found some of the trailing blackberries, and I thought the season was over for them.....they are soooo good.....even better than the variety  that grow all over the valley (Himalayan blackberries ?).
Later, in my 100+ deg gym, I completed a version of my patented ~TOPFIT 400~ workout.....100 reps each of KB swings (20kg), burpees, suspension pullups, and pushups.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, July 25, 2014

7 fad diets you shouldn't try

7 fad diets you shouldn't try
Every day it seems a new diet is ready to make weight loss faster and easier than ever before. Or at least they say they are.
"Most fad diets go something like this: Take a few foods, give them 'magic' power, and set a plan to convince people that eating this way and only this way will promote weight loss," said Alexandra Caspero, RD, a nutritionist based in Sacramento, Calif.
The following diets might spur short-term weight loss, but many are difficult to follow, have arbitrary rules, and a few could put your health in danger.  read more

TOPFIT says: If you're confused by all of the conflicting advice out there, contact me now and I'll help make sense of it all.

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Pullups and Heavy Bag
After taking care of business for the day I made time for a workout of weighted pullups, susp. pullups, susp. rear delt flyes, and hanging scapular depression/retraction.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to Make a Quick and Healthy Stir-Fry Dish

How to Make a Quick and Healthy Stir-Fry Dish
With all of the gorgeous produce around, there is no easier way to enjoy the summer's bounty than with a quick, easy, healthy stir-fry. Not only is it a great way to use up whatever produce you have left in the fridge or out in your garden, it's also an excellent way to try flavorful herbs, spices and sauces, which enhance the flavors of all those nutritious veggies. Another added bonus of stir-fry meals: they are very quick and easy to prepare--perfect for those who are busy and don't have hours to spend in the kitchen preparing dinner. Plus, they make great leftovers.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park and Yard Work
I made time today for a fun excursion on the J-Ville Forest Park trails.....a perfect mix of power hiking, light running and sprinting up hills.  Afterward I spent about an hour on yard work.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

8 Things to Do to Speed Up Your Metabolism

8 Things to Do to Speed Up Your Metabolism
Speeding up your metabolism is one of the best ways to lose weight--it's just that simple! The faster your metabolism runs, the more calories you burn every day. The more calories you burn, the quicker your body starts burning off fat instead of just the energy in your bloodstream.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Bench Press and Heavy Bag
Even though the cooler weather today was just perfect for a good trail run, I needed to give my body a break from the trails today.  So, I spent some quality time in my gym instead.  I started with a workout of BB bench presses, DB flyes and ring pushups, and followed that a little later with a 30 minute heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How obesity affects pregnancy

How obesity affects pregnancy
Pregnancy, or the desire to become pregnant, often inspires women to take better care of themselves – quitting smoking, for example, or eating more nutritiously.
But now many women face an increasingly common problem: obesity, which affects 36 percent of women of childbearing age. In addition to hindering conception, obesity – defined as a body mass index above 30 – is linked to a host of difficulties during pregnancy, labor and delivery.
These range from gestational diabetes, hypertension and pre-eclampsia to miscarriage, premature birth, emergency cesarean delivery and stillbirth.
The infants of obese women are more likely to have congenital defects, and they are at greater risk of dying at or soon after birth. Babies who survive are more likely to develop hypertension and obesity as adults.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Hike
Today I headed out to Lower Table Rock for a more relaxed hike....it was time for a bit of a break.  Afterward, I made time for a quick pushup and plank workout.

Buzzards and hawks.....I didn't know I had captured the hawks in the pic until I zoomed in on the pic at home.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, July 21, 2014

How Overparenting Makes Kids Overweight

How Overparenting Makes Kids Overweight
A study found that maternal overprotectiveness increased the odds of children being overweight.
Maybe if we stopped calling it The Obesity Epidemic and started calling it The Fear Epidemic we could finally make a dent in the widening waistlines of our country’s kids.  read more


TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run and Heavy Bag
Today, in addition to all the usual business and personal motion and commotion, I made time for a run on Upper Table Rock followed by a 30 minute heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, July 20, 2014

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

It was a week filled with yard work, house work and active time with the grandkids....plus, the following:

2 Table Rock runs
1 Jacksonville Forest Park hike
1 Jacksonville Forest Park run
2 heavy bag workouts
1 deadlift workout
1 chest workout
1 back workout

What have you done to maintain or improve your fitness this past week?

~No Challenge, No Change~

How sleep loss leads to significant weight gain

How sleep loss leads to significant weight gain
Insufficient sleep affects appetite and satiety hormones as well as fat cells, according to the nation's top sleep experts.
If you want to lose weight, be sure to get enough sleep.
Most people know they should cut calories and exercise more to trim down, but there's now significant scientific evidence that another critical component to weight control is avoiding sleep deprivation, sleep scientists say.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Run
What a way to end the week!
After being run ragged by the grandkids earlier in the day, I decided I needed some R&R.  So I headed out to the Jacksonville Forest Park trails for a fantastic run in the hills.....around 8 miles, and the majority of it running (had to slow it down to a power hike on the steep parts)......O'L Miners > Canyon Falls > Shade Creek > Arrowhead Pass (out and back) > Leg Burner > Jackson Ridge > Canyon Falls > Rail (with a brief stop to pick a few berries).

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Are We Really Addicted to Our Food?

Are We Really Addicted to Our Food?
Over the years, processed foods have transformed to meet our growing desires not only to be convenient and economical, but tasty. Food companies have discovered how to create certain tastes and textures for products that keep us coming back for more. But some experts say, we are eating, buying and weighing more because we are addicted.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag
It was another busy day of training plus personal chores and errands, but I still made time for a 30 min heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, July 18, 2014

Do You Really Want to Spend 23 Minutes to Burn Off 1 Coke?

Do You Really Want to Spend 23 Minutes to Burn Off 1 Coke?
In one of their latest commercials, Coca Cola asks,"What if there were a new, fun way to pay for a Coke?"
The truth is that exercise doesn't make up for a poor diet, no matter how many calories you burn.
So say "no" to the Coke and "yes" to the exercise, and you'll truly feel good about your choices.  read more

TOPFIT says: I'd ask who Coke thinks they're fooling with this bullshit commercial, but sadly the answer is they are fooling the majority of Americans.

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Deadlifts
This afternoon I made time for some standard and sumo deadlifts.  I supersetted the two styles, started light and working my way up to 315 lbs.....a long way from my former max lifts, but it was enough for today.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, July 17, 2014

9 Fitness Habits That You Need to Start in Your 30s

9 Fitness Habits That You Need to Start in Your 30s
In your 20s and 30s, your body is very different than it is in your 40s and 50s. In your younger years, it's easier to stay healthy, lose weight, maintain a good shape and pack on the muscles. As you age, it becomes harder and harder.
If you want to be healthy when you reach your 40s and 50s (and 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond), it's time to start forming a few fitness habits now while you're still young.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run and Yard Work
This morning, while the temp was only around 90, I headed out to Lower Table Rock for a run.  It was a little slower than normal due to the heat, but still worth it.  Later, in the afternoon, I spent some time on yard work.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Study emphasizes role of exercise in controlling weight

Study emphasizes role of exercise in controlling weight
A surprising and somewhat bemusing study out of Stanford was making the blog rounds last week, after it suggested that American weight gain over the past 30 years is linked more to exercise than to the number of calories people consumed.
The findings contradicted how most public health experts have defined and explained the country's obesity rates, which climbed robustly over the same three decades. For several years now, the bulk of the blame has fallen on calorie consumption rather than fitness.  read more

"The messages can get confusing when one study comes out saying one thing and another comes out saying another," he said. "But if we can look at the big picture and use some common sense, we can acknowledge that both things matter."

TOPFIT says: If all of the contradictory advice is confusing you, contact me and let me help sort things out.

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run and a Back Workout
I braved the afternoon heat and headed to Upper Table Rock for a somewhat slow run (with more breaks than usual) and followed that with a workout of weighted chinups, susp. one arm pullups, susp. rear delt flyes, and hanging scapular depression/retraction in my overheated gym.
I hear a lot of people whining about it being too hot to do anything, but if you adjust your intensity level and stay hydrated, you can still stay active.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Staying Active May Help Prevent Dementia

Staying Active May Help Prevent Dementia
Being physically active in middle age appears to help reduce your risk for Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia, suggest the findings from two new studies.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Hike
After taking care of business earlier in the day and a late lunch, I headed out into the afternoon heat to the J-Ville Forest Park trails for a relaxing, dessert foraging hike.  The berries were kind of few and far between, but it was well worth it anyway. 

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, July 14, 2014

5 Tips For Better Health

5 Tips For Better Health
Many of you might already be doing some or all of these things (or more), and this is certainly not a comprehensive list, but if you follow these guidelines you'll have a good start on a healthier, more functional and fit lifetime.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Chest Workout and Heavy Bag
Today I braved the 100+ deg heat in my gym, starting with a workout of BB bench presses, supersets of DB flyes and presses, and decline pushups.  Later I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, July 13, 2014

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

This past week was a bit light on the heavy lifting, but I certainly wasn't sedentary.  In addition to plenty of yard work and some active time with Mason, I made time for:

3 Table Rock runs
1 Table Rock hike
1 Jacksonville Forest Park run
3 heavy bag workouts
1 bench press/weighted chinup workout
1 Olympic lifting workout

What did you do to stay fit and healthy this past week?

~No Challenge, No Change~

Extreme obesity cuts average life span extremely

Extreme obesity cuts average life span extremely
Those with a body mass index, or BMI, above 40 are robbed of at least 6 1/2 years, on average, of expected life span, a study has found. And the toll in years lost rises with the degree of obesity, reaching nearly 14 years for the most obese -- those with a BMI above 55, researchers said.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag and a Lower Table Rock Run
After a couple of active hours with Mason this morning, I made time for a 30 minute heavy bag workout.  Later I headed out to Lower Table Rock for a sunset run/hike with a friend.  We even saw a California Mountain Kingsnake.....a first for me on a Table Rock.

California Mountain Kingsnake (not my pic)

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, July 12, 2014

10 Common GMO Claims Debunked

Core Truths: 10 Common GMO Claims Debunked
Genetically modified organisms have become the world’s most controversial food. But the science is more clear-cut.  read more

TOPFIT says: It's not quite as cut and dried as the extremists (on either side) would like you to believe.


TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Olympic Lifts and Heavy Bag
Although it's been an extremely busy day of personal and business chores and errands, I still made time for a workout of snatches, power snatches, clean & jerks, and power cleans.  I followed that a little later with a 30 minute heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, July 11, 2014

Two hours of sitting cancels out 20 minutes of exercise

Two hours of sitting cancels out 20 minutes of exercise
We already know that a sedentary lifestyle isn't good for our health, but can we measure just how bad it really is for us? A new study offers an answer: two hours of sitting cancels out the benefits of 20 minutes of exercise for our cardiorespiratory fitness levels.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run
I managed to get out after the rain, but before the clouds completely burned off for a fun run on Lower Table Rock this afternoon.....probably the last time for quite awhile that I'll be able to go for an afternoon run with temps below 90 or 100 deg.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The word “natural” helps sell $40 billion worth of food in the U.S. every year

The word “natural” helps sell $40 billion worth of food in the U.S. every year—and the label means nothing
Nothing makes Americans buy a food product quite like the fabulously ambiguous word "natural."
The top 35 health claims and food labels include words most anyone who has been to a supermarket in the past five years should recognize—ones like "natural," yes, but also "organic," and "fat free," and "carb conscious," and "100 calories."  These phrases helped the food industry sell more than $377 billion worth of masterfully marketed food items in the United States during the past year, according to data from market research firm Nielsen.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Run
I headed out to the J-Ville Forest Park trails again today for a fun run and hike, along with a little berry foraging.  These are turning into some of my favorite trails.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What's more to blame for obesity: Lack of exercise or eating too much?

What's more to blame for obesity: Lack of exercise or eating too much?
Both lack of exercise and consuming too many calories can certainly contribute to gaining extra pounds, but a new study suggests that the former may be the main culprit in the obesity epidemic in the U.S. And women younger than 40 appear to be particularly vulnerable to the risks of a sedentary lifestyle.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag and Yard Work
I gave the trails a break today and stuck around home in my spare time to enjoy a 100 deg heavy bag workout in my gym and about an hour of yard work in the afternoon heat.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Is Obesity A Disease?

Is Obesity A Disease?
Last year the American Medical Association voted to recognize obesity as a disease. In a June 18, 2013 press release, AMA board member Dr. Patrice Harris explained:
"Recognizing obesity as a disease will help change the way the medical community tackles this complex issue that affects approximately one in three Americans."
This may seem like a simple matter of nomenclature, but a new paper confirms that how obesity is described can have important implications for people's judgments and decisions.  read more

TOPFIT says: Personally, I don't think that obesity in and of itself should be classified as a disease.  This article raises some interesting points.

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run and an Upper Body Workout
This morning I made time for a good run on Upper Table Rock before it got to 90 degrees, and in the afternoon I did a workout of BB bench presses and weighted chinups.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, July 7, 2014

How Fit Are You? Well, How Many Push-Ups Can You Do?

How Fit Are You? Well, How Many Push-Ups Can You Do?
"One of the most proficient indicators of individual fitness level is the number of pushups you're capable of performing in a 30-second time interval.
Young adults are naturally more capable of achieving a high number of pushups in a given time period than middle-aged adults in their 40s and 50s."  read more

TOPFIT says: Although pushups can be one measure of fitness, it certainly isn't "one of the most proficient indicators" as stated in the article.
Also, about the sentence "Young adults are naturally more capable....", I say BULLSHIT!!
How many can YOU do?

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run
I thought I'd get out before the heat really hit for a run on Lower Table Rock this morning......didn't quite make it though.  I still got out for a really good run, but I didn't manage to beat the heat.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, July 6, 2014

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

This past week was filled with a near-perfect mix of activities.  In addition to a little bit of yard work, I also made time for:

2 Table Rock runs
1 Jacksonville Forest Park run
2 Jacksonville Forest Park hikes
1 chest workout
1 back workout
1 leg workout
2 heavy bag workouts

What did you do to maintain or improve your fitness this past week?

~No Challenge, No Change~

Nutrition label changes can help consumers

Nutrition label changes can help consumers
Proposed changes to the nutrition facts label should make it easier for consumers to make decisions about the food they eat.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is updating the label for the first time since it appeared on packaged foods in 1993. The only major change made to the label in its 20-year history was the required addition of trans fats in 2006.  read more

TOPFIT says: Just more of the dumbing down of health and fitness.  If you couldn't figure out or do the math on the old labels, I seriously doubt this is going to help much.  The only positive change is the requirement for displaying added sugars.
What next?  Change the recommendations for activity based on what people actually do instead of what they should do?

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Hike
This afternoon I headed back out to the Jacksonville Forest Park trails for a relaxed, berry foraging hike with a friend.  I'm definitely enjoying exploring these trails!

Also found these funny little fungi.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Obesity and excess weight in childhood may increase asthma risk

Obesity and excess weight in childhood may increase asthma risk
Excess weight and obesity in children may be fueling the asthma epidemic facing many countries, a joint study from Australian and UK researchers has found, prompting peak asthma groups to re-emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle in childhood.
The risk of developing the condition, which causes chronic inflammation of the airways, increases by 55% for every extra unit of body mass index (BMI), University of Bristol and University of Queensland researchers found.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Hike
After lunch today I felt the need for a little fruit for dessert, so I headed out to the J-Ville Forest Park trails to forage for a couple of hours for the tiny little trailing blackberries.  It was definitely worth it....a great hike and some of the tastiest berries you can find!

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, July 4, 2014

McDonalds Introduces Pomegranate Double Big Mac

McDonalds Introduces Pomegranate Double Big Mac
U.S. fast food restaurant chain McDonalds has added a "healthy" new option to its menu by introducing a new antioxidant loaded Pomegrante Double Big Mac, The Daily Currant can reveal.
The new sandwich will launch in test markets next month, and is set to be introduced worldwide by the end of the year. It essentially consists of a Big Mac doubled in size with six pomegranate arils sprinkled on top of the cheese.   read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Leg Workout and Heavy Bag
I opted out of the traditional celebrations today and stuck close to home.  In addition to getting a fair amount of reading done for CEUs, I made time for a workout of DB split squats, BB SLDLs, and single leg calf raises.  Later, I spent 30 mins on the heavy Bag.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Vast Majority of Baby Boomers Are Overweight or Obese

The Vast Majority of Baby Boomers Are Overweight or Obese
Though aging baby boomers are smoking and drinking less, a new U.S. Census Bureau report shows the vast majority of baby boomers are overweight or obese, which may cause diabetes and arthritis, among other conditions  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Back Workout and Heavy Bag
I started my day's activities with a workout of weighted pullups, DB rows, and chinups.  Later I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Dangers of Bulking on the Body

The Dangers of Bulking on the Body
The concept of "bulking" might seem like an effective method of achieving muscle hypertrophy, but overloading your frame with abnormal amounts of body mass can be detrimental to your overall well-being.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Run
Since my usual Wed morning client had to cancel, I took advantage of the time for a run on the Jacksonville Forest Park trails.....O'L Miners to Boulder to Canyon Falls to Canyon Vista to Naversen to Ridge View to Norling to Rail.....with a few stops to forage for berries, of course.

Can you believe they put the viewpoint up in the tree?

But, the view was worth it.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

TV, watching other screens, increases death rate

TV, watching other screens, increases death rate
Study followed university grads for eight years and found risk of dying twice as high for those who spent three hours or more a day in front of a TV screen  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run and a Chest Workout
I got out before the worst of the heat today for a fun run on Upper Table Rock.  Later, in the heat of the day and in a 110 deg gym, I did a workout of BB bench presses, DB flyes, and decline pushups.

~Feelin' Alive!~

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About Your Trainer

My photo
Medford, OR, United States
Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.