~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

26 Holiday Dieting Tips That Will Keep You Food Coma Free!

26 Holiday Dieting Tips That Will Keep You Food Coma Free!
If you have ever attempted to win the battle of the bulge by either dieting or improving your eating habits, you are probably well aware of the challenges that you may face, especially during the latter portion of the year. The last two months of each year, otherwise known as the holiday season, can be some of the toughest times not only to lose weight, but simply to maintain your current weight as well. Temptation during the holiday season seems to pop up everywhere you turn. read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Deadlifts
After a morning client session and an hour of yard work, I made time for a workout of sumo and standard deadlifts.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, November 29, 2013

Could warm houses be making us fat?

Could warm houses be making us fat?
It’s tempting to crank up the indoor heat during winter, but scientists say it could be making us fat. Keeping your house cool has benefits beyond reducing heating costs, because cold temperatures activate a substance called brown fat that adults carry on their upper back and neck. (Babies have it, too, since they can’t shiver effectively.) Also known as brown adipose tissue, brown fat acts as an internal furnace that consumes many calories, unlike regular fat, which stores extra energy and calories. The only catch is that brown fat must be activated first in order to start burning calories, and cool temperatures can do that.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag
After yesterday's high volume and intensity workouts, I was left a bit sore.....so, I took it a little easier today and only made time for a 30 minute, moderate intensity heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Is Cardio or Strength Training Better for Weight Loss?

Is Cardio or Strength Training Better for Weight Loss?
When it comes to losing weight, not all exercises are created equal. And although a healthy exercise routine includes a variety of moves, some activities are far more efficient than others at burning calories. This is a crucial point because the only "trick" to melting body fat is burning more calories than you eat -- and considering you have to torch 3,500 calories to lose just one pound, your exercise choice can make a big difference in speeding up or delaying your results.  read more

~TOPFIT Turkey Burn~ and an Upper Table Rock Run
I got my Thanksgiving celebrations off to a great start with my patented and infamous ~TOPFIT Turkey Burn~ workout.....5 non-stop circuits of 1 minute intervals of burpees, pullups, pushups, squats, SB crunches, SB leg curls and a rest station........count and total all reps.....I did 1099 total reps.....not a record setter for me, but still fairly respectable.
I dare ya to try it!  (contact me for details and rules if you've got what it takes to keep up with this old geezer)
Afterward, I headed out to Upper Table Rock for an awesome run.
This workout and a Table Rock run have become a regular tradition on Thanksgiving it seems....I guess I'm committed to doing it every year now.
Maybe in the future the grandkids will join me!

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Obesity Linked With Hearing Loss

Obesity Linked With Hearing Loss
Obesity is associated with a higher risk for hearing loss, according to a new study in the American Journal of Medicine.
On the other hand, greater levels of physical activity are associated with a lower risk for hearing loss, found researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital.
"We often think of hearing loss as an inevitable part of the aging process, but these findings provide evidence that potentially modifiable risk factors, such as maintaining a healthy weight and staying physically active, may help in the prevention of hearing loss or delay its progression,"......... read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag
Today I took it kind of easy and the only exercise I made time for was a 30 min heavy bag workout.....but I'll be making up for it tomorrow....stay tuned.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5 healthy eating tips for holiday travelers

5 healthy eating tips for holiday travelers
It's the day before Thanksgiving, and your stress level could be measured on the Richter Scale.
There are a zillion people at the airport. Your flight has been delayed because of a nasty winter storm. The kids are crying. Your husband is yelling. Starving, you find the nearest food vendor and order a $12 basket of chicken fingers with fries.
Been there, done that? Eating healthy on the road has long been a struggle for holiday travelers. It's one of the many reasons people tend to gain a couple of extra pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run and a Bench Press/Weighted Pullup Workout
Today I got out for an Upper Table Rock run after taking care of business earlier in the day, and afterward I spent about 30 mins doing BB bench presses and weighted pullups.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, November 25, 2013

People who keep fit and exercise into their 60s are seven times less likely to get ill

People who keep fit and exercise into their 60s are SEVEN times less likely to get ill
People who keep fit in their 60s are seven times less likely to get ill.
A study, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, tracked the health of 3,500 people aged over 64 for eight years.
Researchers at University College London found a direct link between major health problems like heart disease , strokes and diabetes, and the amount of exercise done.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run
I started my day before sunrise with a couple of brisk 1/2 mile walks with a client, and after I was finished with sessions for the day I headed out to Lower Table Rock for an intense run.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, November 24, 2013

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

It's been a week of mixed intensity activities which included one rest day.and the following:

4 Table Rock runs/hikes
2 heavy bag workouts
1 pullup workout
1 bench press workout
1 leg workout
1 elliptical workout

What did you do to maintain or improve your health this past week?

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sugary drinks linked to increased endometrial cancer risk

Sugary drinks linked to increased endometrial cancer risk
Sugar-sweetened beverages have long been associated with a number of health risks – including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.  And now, a new study reveals that sugary drinks may also be associated with a significantly increased risk of a common type of endometrial cancer.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run
After an active morning with Mason and Hailey, I took advantage of the sunny day and ran on Upper Table Rock.  The sun might have been out, but there was still pockets of frost where it was heavily shaded.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How to Slash Your Heart Disease Risk in Half

How to Slash Your Heart Disease Risk in Half
According to a new study, there are certain risk factors which, when kept under control, will slash a person’s risk of heart disease and stroke in half.
The study, which was produced by a collaboration between Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), the University of Sydney and Imperial College London, found that in obese or overweight patients there were three factors which contributed the most to a person’s risk for developing an obesity-related disease:  blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag and Legs
I got my butt back in gear today, and in between business and personal chores and errands, I made time for a 30 min heavy bag workout and a quick leg workout of DB split squats, supersets of calf raises and SB leg curls, and jump squats.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, November 22, 2013

Exercise may help develop a baby's brain

Exercise may help develop a baby's brain
Living a healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, but doubly so pregnant women. Research has long shown that a pregnant woman’s diet has an effect on the baby, both good and bad. This is why pregnant women are instructed to avoid alcohol and sugars. Moderate exercise by the mother has also been shown to have a positive effect on the baby’s cardiovascular system.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Rest Day
I started what was going to be an intense heavy bag workout, but I just couldn't get into it.  I guess it was time for a break.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Easiest Weight Loss Tip Ever: Change Your Sleep Schedule

Easiest Weight Loss Tip Ever: Change Your Sleep Schedule
If you’re looking for a fairly painless way to lose weight (or at least not gain) researchers at Brigham Young University have a new solution for you: Put yourself on a regular sleep schedule. read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run
It was near freezing and a mix of sun and fog, but it made for a fantastic Lower Table Rock run this morning.  The nice thing about this kind of weather is I get the Rock almost to myself!
The rest of the day was spent on personal and business errands and chores.....and a little relaxation.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kids Today Less Fit Than Parents Were

Kids Today Less Fit Than Parents Were
If trends continue, there is a chance that the children of today may die at earlier ages than their parents will.
According to research presented today at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2013, kids today are less fit than there parents were as children.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run and Chinups
This afternoon I headed out to Upper Table Rock for a great run....the trail is starting to get pretty muddy and the puddles are forming on the plateau, but that just adds to the fun.
Later I spent about 30 mins doing weighted and bodyweight chinups, suspension rear delt flyes and hanging scapular depression/retraction.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Teen obesity linked to serious health problems in adulthood

Teen obesity linked to serious health problems in adulthood
Obesity carries with it a multitude of health risks, but now a large study shows that obese adults who were obese as teens have a much greater risk of developing adverse health conditions, including abnormal kidney function, asthma and difficulty walking.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Bench Press and Elliptical
Today I kept all of my exercise activities indoors, starting with a workout of BB bench presses and decline pushups.  Later, in the evening, I spent 30 mins on the elliptical.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, November 18, 2013

4 Ways to Cut Your Workout Time in Half

4 Ways to Cut Your Workout Time in Half
One of the biggest barriers to exercise is time. No one has enough of it. After work or school, chores or car pools, the day is almost over. How are we supposed to find time for a run when we're busy running errands? And a trip to the gym is out of the question.
At least that's what you thought. Now, with these tips, you can cut your workout time in half and fit fitness into every day.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock and Heavy Bag
I made it out to Lower Table Rock today for a moderately paced hike up and around the eastern edge of the plateau.  Later I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, November 17, 2013

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

This week's activities were varied as usual and included:

3 Table Rock runs (including and 8+ mile UTR run)
2 heavy bag workouts
1 bench press workout
1 pullup workout
1 calisthenics workout
1 olympic lifting workout
1 Roxy Ann hike/run

Did you meet your health and fitness goals this past week?

~Feelin' Alive!~

9 Ways to Make Healthy Food More Exciting

9 Ways to Make Healthy Food More Exciting
Eating a nourishing, well-balanced diet is a key component to living a long, healthy life. But after a while it's easy to get tired of eating the same lackluster salads for lunch or grilled chicken with steamed veggies for dinner. Soon enough, boredom could take over and those unhealthy, quick, convenience foods and drive-through-diet disasters start to look more and more appealing. Don't get stuck in a bland food rut! Here are some tips and recipe ideas to make your healthy meals and snacks more fun, flavorful and exciting.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Roxy Ann Hike/Run
After an active morning with Mason and Hailey I spent  part of the afternoon hiking and running on Roxy Ann.....I hadn't been up there since last spring.  Awesome views of the valley as usual, although it was a hazy day.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, November 16, 2013

13 Things Sure To Slow Down Your Metabolism

13 Things Sure To Slow Down Your Metabolism
Every cell in your body plays a role in energy metabolism — the process of turning the food you eat into energy that keeps your heart beating, lungs pumping, and muscles moving. The faster your basal metabolic rate, the more calories you burn. And just like there are ways to speed it up — by increasing muscle mass and exercising — certain habits can hit the brakes on your natural calorie-churning engine. Here are 13 things sure to slow you down.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Calisthenics and Heavy Bag
After my morning session and some business and personal chores, I made time for a workout of suspension pullups, pushups, rear delt flyes and jump squats, plus stability ball back extensions, oblique crunches and leg curls.  Later I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, November 15, 2013

You Won't Lose Any Weight Unless You Makeover Your Mind First

You Won't Lose Any Weight Unless You Makeover Your Mind First
Everyone knows how to lose weight. All you have to do is eat less and exercise more, right?
WRONG. People who have lost significant amounts of weight know that making a lifestyle change is about so much more than calorie restriction and getting a gym membership. It's also a massive mental challenge that requires stamina, rational thought and emotional support. In other words, it's often a mind makeover, first and foremost.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run
After my morning sessions and a bunch of chores and errands, I made time for a great Upper Table Rock run.  Looks like it might be the last run where I can stay dry and don't need a jacket for awhile too......like that will slow me down.....LOL.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Simple Way to Eat Less

The Simple Way to Eat Less
Would that cheeseburger be nearly as tempting if you knew you’d have to log 33 minutes on the treadmill to burn off all of the calories it contains? Didn’t think so. So it’s not exactly shocking that, when menus list how much exercise you’d have to do to work off each food, people order lower-calorie options, according to a recent study.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Oly Lifts
Even though it was pretty much a non-stop day of business, chores and errands, I still made time for a workout of power snatches and power cleans.....simple and to the point.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Easy Ways to Eat 5 Fruits & Veggies Each Day

Easy Ways to Eat 5 Fruits & Veggies Each Day
"Eat your fruits and vegetables." We've heard it all of our lives. If only it were so simple.
Our bodies crave fruits and vegetables more than just about any other food because we tend to get far fewer of them than we need. We often think we'd survive just fine on 2-3 servings a day – or less. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the USDA both recommend at least 5 servings per day! What you’re missing could be the difference between just surviving and all out thriving.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run and Pullups
What a fantastic day for a Lower Table Rock run!  Who knows, it might be the last time this year I get up there in short sleeves and with such perfect trail conditions.  Afterward I spent about 30 mins doing weighted pullups.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The easiest way to burn 600 extra calories a week

The easiest way to burn 600 extra calories a week
In a small study of 10 office workers, researchers asked the volunteers to stand up while working for at least three hours each day for a week. They found that standing raised their heart rates just enough that they burned an extra 0.7 calories per minute, or 42 calories per hour. It might not seem like much, but standing for three extra hours a day during the work week adds up to 630 calories burned!  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Bench Press and Heavy Bag
Today I made time for two 30 minute workouts.  First, I spent 30 mins doing BB bench presses and later 30 mins on the heavy bag.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, November 11, 2013

Exercise is good for moms-to-be -- and baby's brain

Exercise is good for moms-to-be -- and baby's brain
It’s tough to remain motivated to exercise regularly — and even more difficult with the morning sickness, extra weight, and swollen ankles of pregnancy. But moms-to-be might want to lace up their sneakers or don their swim caps. A new study finds that 20 minutes of exercise, three times a week, improves a newborn’s brainpower.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock 8 Mile Run
I got out on another 8+ mile run on Upper Table Rock today.  And, if you know where to look, you can still find a few wildflowers.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, November 10, 2013

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

As usual, I stayed fairly active this past week.  In addition to several brisk 1/2 mile walks with clients, and 1/4 mile of walking lunges with a client before sunrise on Monday, I also made time for:

4 Table Rock runs
2 30 min heavy bag workouts
1 calisthenics workout (the ~TOPFIT 400~)
1 chest workout
1 back workout
1 30 min elliptical workout

What did you do to maintain or improve your health and fitness this past week?

~Feelin' Alive!~

Simple tips to get kids to eat better, exercise more

Simple tips to get kids to eat better, exercise more
Currently, about a third of kids in this country are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Extra pounds put kids at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, sleep apnea and other health problems.  read more

TOPFIT says:  Most importantly, parents need to set the example for a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, they need to set down the rules and the consequences for unhealthy behaviors just like they would for other unhealthy behaviors such as drug use (and of course, enforce the rules they have set).

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Heavy Bag and Elliptical
After some morning chores, I made time for a 30 minute heavy bag workout followed a little later with 30 mins on the elliptical.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Can This Simple Trick Help You Lose Weight?

Can This Simple Trick Help You Lose Weight?
Would you like to upsize that for an extra 50 cents? That's a question most of the population is all too familiar with. Yes, it's a sad reality that we're in danger of (or are we already there?) becoming a supersized nation. For an extra 50 cents we can get twice as many fries with our takeaway burger. Gone are the days of small, medium and large serving sizes. Small is now regular, medium is now large and large is jumbo. And don't even get me started on the family-sized option. In this increasingly supersized world, it might be time to focus our bigger is better mentality on something other than our serving sizes.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- ~TOPFIT 400~
I kept things simple and to the point today by doing the ~TOPFIT 400~ workout......100 reps each of chinups, pushups, SB crunches and squats.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Friday, November 8, 2013

The 5 Most Fattening Thanksgiving Foods

The 5 Most Fattening Thanksgiving Foods
It's no secret that Thanksgiving is among the least diet-friendly holidays on the calendar. Who can resist the savory aromas of casseroles and pies wafting from the kitchen, no matter how strong their dedication to fitness? Unfortunately, the foods of the season are often laden with butter, cream and sugar, all of which spell trouble if you're watching your waistline.  read more


TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run and Heavy Bag
After my morning sessions, I made time for an Upper Table rock run followed by a 30 minute heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Americans Want Food That's "Natural," a Word That Means Nothing

Americans Want Food That's "Natural," a Word That Means Nothing
Americans do not grasp the fundamental concepts of science—indeed, we actively deny them—and we are one of the most obese nations on earth, so we ain't exactly nutritionists, over here. Still, we know enough to look at the label of whatever processed artificial Oreo-cookie-bit-encrusted flavor of Pop Tart we're currently buying very closely to see whether the word "natural" appears anywhere on that label. If so, we will buy it. If not, we will shoplift it, because who wants to be seen buying something that's not natural?  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lower Table Rock Run and a Back Workout
After taking care of business earlier in the day, I made time for a Lower Table Rock run followed by a workout of BB rows, suspension single arm pullups (body rows), suspension rear delt flyes, and chinups.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

5 Tricks to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

5 Tricks to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
It's that time of year again. The Thanksgiving/Christmas season is when we’re most likely to gain weight. It's not all our fault – the days get shorter and colder so we crave more food, likely thanks to our primitive ancestors who needed to stockpile calories for the harsh winter.
But the simple fact is that there are more festivities filled with decadent cuisine and treats, and studies show people are more likely to indulge when in the company of others.
It is possible to enjoy the holidays – and those holiday parties – without completely falling off the wagon. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you enjoy the season without adding unwanted pounds.   read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Chest Workout
I got my morning started before sunrise by doing a couple of brisk 1/2 mile walks with a client and when I was done with sessions for the day I pieced together a workout of BB bench presses, DB flyes and pushups.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The mind game of weight loss

The mind game of weight loss
Are you an all or nothing thinker? Do you expect perfection from yourself? Have you found yourself obsessing on what you do wrong, rather than well?
If you are nodding your head in agreement, it is time my friend. Time to leave All or Nothing thinking behind. Losing weight is really a mind game. Your body will drop the weight when you stick to the plan. Here is the trick, you don’t have to do it perfectly. Weight loss occurs when you are on the plan more than off. It isn’t 100% of the time. It is more like 80%. When you make 8 out of 10 good choices, you will succeed. It is only a matter of time.  read more

TOPFIT Dalily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run
It was a perfect day for an Upper Table Rock run.  The cool, wet weather kept everyone else indoors it seems and I had it all to myself.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Monday, November 4, 2013

Your DIY health care plan

Your DIY health care plan
Health care is an important and contentious topic in both political and social circles these days.
Knowing that this controversy is unlikely to be resolved soon, you may be looking for ways to take health care into your own hands.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Walking Lunges and a Lower Table Rock Run
I started my morning before the sun came up with a couple of brisk 1/2 mile walks and 1/4 mile of walking lunges with a client.  Later I had a fantastic run on Lower Table Rock.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Sunday, November 3, 2013

TOPFIT Daily Activities Review

Even though I had a couple of high volume and/or intensity days this week, overall it was a lighter week which even included one rest day.  The week of activity included:

2 Table Rock runs
1 Table Rock hike
2 heavy bag workouts
1 chest workout
1 back workout
1 deadlift workout
1 calisthenics workout

Did you meet your health and fitness goals this past week?

~Feelin' Alive!~

Jogging in a forest twice as good for you as jogging in a gym

Jogging in a forest twice as good for you as jogging in a gym
Are you getting tired of your same old cardio routine at your local gym? Have you "hit a wall" with your training? New research indicates you would get a better run if you jogged with nature - and it would improve your mental state as well.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Calisthenics
I mixed things up a bit today with a randomized calisthenics workout.  In no particular order, I spent about 30 minutes doing intervals of burpees, pushups, ring pushups, pullups, chinups, alternating plyo lunges, jump rope, jumping jacks, SB oblique crunches, SB back extensions, calf raises, and hanging scapular depression/retraction.

~Feelin' Alive!~

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Kettlebells for weight loss, conditioning and improved back health

Kettlebells for weight loss, conditioning and improved back health
Kettlebell training was first used during the 1700s, and is today experiencing increased attention as an effective and fun part of a training program. When used correctly, kettlebell exercises build strength and endurance and can be used as part of a weight loss program or when trying to improve back problems.  read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Deadlifts and Heavy Bag
After a relaxing day of no exercise yesterday, I got right back into the game today with a heavy deadlift workout and a 30 minute heavy bag workout.

~Feelin' Alive!~

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About Your Trainer

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Medford, OR, United States
Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.