~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Past Week

After minimal activity last Thursday and Friday, on Saturday Clista and I hiked up Lower Table Rock, explored the plateau and ran down.....we even ran around the Savannah loop on the way down.  On Sunday, we hiked the J-ville trails.  Monday included a good workout of bench presses, weighted pullups, front squats and heavy bag.  Tuesday was limited to several walks with clients.  Wednesday, I ran both Table Rocks including the plateau on LTR and the Savannah loop plus I spent about 45 mins exploring the plateau on UTR.  In the evening I went a a brisk 1+ mile walk.
Hope you all have kept active!

It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

How Much Sugar Are You Eating?

Sugar Stacks
We've used regular sugar cubes (4 grams of sugar each) to show how the sugars in your favorite foods literally stack up, gram for gram.
Compare foods, find out where sugar is hiding, and see how much of the sweet stuff you're really eating.

It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hikin' and Bikin'

I guess it's time for some resistance training and to work on strength and power again.  It's been about a week since I've done any heavy lifting.
On Monday I went on a great hour long bike ride, Tuesday I did the same plus went on several walks with clients and Clista, and today I ran both Table Rocks and spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.

It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

4 More Days of Activity

On Thursday all I made time for was an hour long bike ride, this was followed on Friday with another hour long bike ride, 20 mins on the heavy bag and a brisk 20 min walk. On Saturday I spent about an hour with Clista running the trails in Lithia Park and on Sunday we spent almost 3 hours trekking on Upper Table Rock exploring the plateau.

It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Week In Review

This past week has been filled with all sorts of fun.  Last Thursday I took a brisk 70 min walk with a client and I followed that with a rest day on Friday.  Saturday I had a great hour long bike ride and spent 20 mins on the heavy bag. Sunday Clista and I hiked and explored Lower Table Rock.  Monday I took another hour long bike ride and spent about 50 mins doing intervals of KB snatches, KB clean and presses, pullups, pushups and squats plus a little time on the heavy bag.  Tuesday in additon to walking Elmo twice with clients, I went on another hour long bike ride and spent about 40 mins doing BB bench presses.....light weight, heavy weight, high rep, low rep and everything in between.  Today I did about 40 mins of pullups.......bodyweight and weighted working up to a 1 RM. This was followed by running/hiking the White Rabbit trail with Clista for about 90 mins. And of course, the week was filled with lots of VRAs.

It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit.  Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.   http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/

Sunday, March 14, 2010

TOPFIT TrailFit -- It's Here!!

It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .

Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.

Get in the best shape of your life while experiencing the beauty of the trails of Southern Oregon.

You won’t just be gaining strength and improving your endurance, you’ll be learning about exercise and nutrition because this is also a Q&A seminar in the open air.

Do you have questions about nutrition? Questions about what you should be doing during the rest of your week to stay fit? We can chat about all this and more while improving your health.

And if that’s not enough for you, you’ll get to feel and experience the ever-changing beauty of the seasons including the abundant wildflowers, fresh spring foliage and fall colors.

If the hikes don’t take your breath away, the views certainly will.

Call or email now to reserve your space. Limited to 6 per hike.  See the online brochure here.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Still Time to Vote For Your Favorite

There's still time to vote for your favorite personal trainer (hopefully me) at the Mail Tribune Reader's Picks poll. Go to www.mailtribune.com/readerspicks and click on "submission". Scroll down to "personal trainer" and enter "Patrick Frey -- TOPFIT Personal Training & Fitness Consulting". They do ask for a little info about you, but you have a chance to win a prize for participating.

Thanks, and please pass this along!

Friday, March 12, 2010


TOPFIT TrailFit -- Coming Soon!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bikin', Tabatas and Hikin'

Today's activities started with an hour long bike ride followed by a great little workout that JP and SP might recognize....squat thrusts 3x10, Tabata KB swings, SB crunches 3x20, Tabata DB rows, SB tucks 3x20, Tabata pushups, SB leg curls 3x20, Tabata squats. A little later, Clista and I hiked for over an hour and a half around Lithia Park.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Bit On The Lighter Side

Had a great workout of weighted pullups, DB rows, DB rear delt flyes, bodyweight chinups, hanging scapular retraction/depression and 1/2 hour on the heavy bag today. Not the most intense day I've had, but it seemed to be what my body needed (especially the heavy bag part).

Monday, March 8, 2010

Riding in the Frozen Rain and Hail

After walking the Beast twice this morning, I went on a very, very cold hour long bike ride. The wind and rain weren't too bad, but when the frozen rain and hail started to pelt my face it kinda stung a bit.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Table Rocks

Another perfect day for a hike/run up both TRs.
Too bad so many jackasses ignore the signs and disrespect the protected area and bring their dogs.....I guess some people think that they're special and the rules don't apply to them.

Friday, March 5, 2010

And So It Continues......

And so it continues......a couple hours of yard work got my day started this morning and I made it into one helluva workout. Still LOTS to do. Also spent some time this afternoon doing BB bench presses, supersets of DB flyes/presses and ring dips.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

And So It Begins.....

And so it begins......after walking the Beast twice and taking an hour long bike ride, I started the spring cleanup in the yard........this is only the beginning too. There's many days worth of projects out there. But, it is a great workout!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another Light Day

I kept things relatively light today and the only exercise I got was an hour on the x-trainer. I need to get to some more resistance training sometime soon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Circuits and Walking -- A Light Day

I got my day of to a start by walking the Beast twice followed by 5 circuits of 20 reps each of pullups (modified), pushups, squats, SB back extensions, SB tucks, SB leg curls and SB crunches. I finished the day with 2 laps of Elmo.

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About Your Trainer

My photo
Medford, OR, United States
Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.