If you've been fooled into thinking that a food was healthy only to later learn that it isn't quite as good as you thought, then you’re not alone. We hear this same complaint from our clients all the time. Here, we share a few foods to look out for so that the wool doesn't get pulled over your eyes! read more
TOPFIT says: There is, however, a serious controversy surrounding quinoa. If you're the type that likes to "think globally", do a Google search to learn more.

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Back Workout
I concluded my low volume and intensity week of training with a few hours of play time with the grandkids and a workout of chinups, susp. pullups, susp. rear delt flyes, and hanging scapular depression/retraction.
I'll hopefully spend next week working back up to the usual higher intensity and volume workouts.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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