What if all it took to improve your running immeasurably was a few minutes marching in place?
In a 2011 New York Times Magazine feature, Christopher McDougall, author of Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Super Athletes and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen experimented with just that.
"I was leafing through the back of an out-of-print book, a collection of runners' biographies called 'The Five Kings of Distance,' when I came across a three-page essay from 1908 titled 'W. G. George's Own Account From the 100-Up Exercise,'" he writes. "According to legend, this single drill turned a 16 year old with almost no running experience into the foremost racer of his day." read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Back Workout and Heavy Bag
I tried to take advantage of my free time again today and managed to do a workout of weighted chinups, DB rows, bodyweight pullups, and hanging scapular depression/retraction. Later I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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