According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 35.9 percent of adults age 20 and over are classified as obese -- and another 33.3 percent as overweight.
On an individual level, the annual medical costs for people who are obese run thousands more than those of normal-weight people -- $1,429 more (in 2006 dollars, according to the CDC) to $2,741 more per individual (in 2005 dollars, according to the Cornell study).
These dollar amounts are startling to consider. But as is often the case, it's the not-so-obvious costs that are even more shocking.
Here's What Really Weighs Down the Wallet of an Overweight American. read more

TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Lots of Yard Work and an Afternoon Grizzly Peak Run
After finishing client sessions for the day, I spent a couple of hours on yard work followed by a late afternoon/evening Grizzly Peak run. The temps are definitely going down, and there was even a little snow up there.
Mt. Shasta as seen from the top of Grizzly Peak
~Feelin' Alive!~
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