Although inflammation is beneficial initially, if it sticks around too long, it also can become destructive and cause long-lasting harm within the body. This inflammation is known as chronic, low-grade or systemic inflammation. The good news is that although chronic inflammation is a threat to health, there are steps you can take to greatly reduce inflammation, including avoiding lifestyle factors that are unhealthy and increase inflammation. These include being overweight, breathing polluted air, smoking, not exercising or sleeping enough, and having a stressful lifestyle. Controlling these factors automatically will put you ahead of the inflammation game. read more
TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Hike
It seemed like a good day for a fun run on the J-Ville Forest Park trails, but once I got out there, my mind and body said no.....so, I took a leisurely 5-6 mile hike instead. It was the perfect opportunity to take in all of the healing and rejuvenating effects that the forest has to offer.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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