With the nation's childhood obesity rate triple what it was 30 years ago for adolescents, expectations that schools will do more to help keep students healthy continue to rise. But even as the U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to ban campus junk food sales, First Lady Michelle Obama touts the benefits of exercise and cafeteria turkey tacos, and school districts struggle to meet the more rigorous new federal nutrition standards, a larger question looms: How much can educators really do to influence a student's wellness? read more

TOPFIT says: Of course schools should be partially responsible since children spend so much of their time in school, but in the end, the responsibility is with the parents to set a good example, set the rules and enforce the rules when it comes to good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Trails Run and Tabatas
I started my day with a couple of brisk 1/2 mile walks with a client, and when I was done with my morning sessions I spent about an hour running the Jacksonville Trails. Afterward, I did a workout of Tabata pullups, pushups, crunches and jump squats.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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