~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Simple and Basic
I hit the gym again today and did incline DB chest presses, Hammer Strength bench presses and cable crossovers. I followed this with 20 mins each on the stationary bike and x-trainer.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Good Back Workout
Ok, so I'm staying in the "gym rut", but it was still a good workout. I did DB rows, lat pulldowns, seated cable rows and hanging scapular depression/retraction. I followed this with 15 mins each on the x-trainer and step mill and I finished the day with a run up the Baby Beast with some clients.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Uh, Oh.....I Think I'm Getting In a Rut
It seems I've gotten in a rut with my leg workouts. I guess because I didn't feel like thinking about what I was going to do, I just did the same ole, same ole again for my legs. Leg presses, leg extensions, leg curls and donkey calf raises. I followed this with 30 mins on the x-trainer.
Going to have to do some squats soon!!
Going to have to do some squats soon!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A Simple Day
25 mins on the heavy bag got my day started and I followed that with two 1/2 mile walks with the kids when they came over to workout. Later I went to the gym and spent 1/2 hour on the x-trainer.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Short On Time
As has been the case lately, I was a bit short on time......so I squeezed in a quick workout of 5 circuits of:
pullups x 5
KB swings x 10
squats x 15
pushups x 20
SB crunches x 25
pullups x 5
KB swings x 10
squats x 15
pushups x 20
SB crunches x 25
Friday, December 26, 2008
Pickin' Up The Pace
I hiked up and down the icy Beast this morning with 25 pounds in my pack.......nice start to the day. Then I went to the gym and did incline DB bench press, pec dec, pullups, hanging scapular depression/retraction and seated cable rows. This was followed by 20 intense minutes on the stationary bike. At home I spent 20 minutes alternating between jump rope and heavy bag followed by 10 minutes of squat, pushup, crunch circuits.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Another Break
Took a break again today......I'm gonna really have to kick butt this next week to make up for all these rest days.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
More Aerobics
Nothing but 40 mins on the x-trainer today. Maybe I'll do some heavy lifting or high intensity circuits tomorrow.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Nothing but a little aerobic activity today.......2 laps of the Beast (fun walking and "skating" down....LOL) and 1/2 hour on the x-trainer.
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Bit of a Challenge
After yesterday's snatches, my leg workout today was a bit of a challenge. I did leg presses, leg extensions, prone leg curls and donkey calf raises. I followed this with 1/2 hr. on the x-trainer. When I got home I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Motor skills key to children's fitness, study finds -- http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/life/main/6176409.html
Motor skills key to children's fitness, study finds -- http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/life/main/6176409.html
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Another Light Day
Two 1/2 mile walks with the kids when they came over to workout started my day. I followed this with some snatches, power snatches and ring dips. Later I spent some time on the heavy bag. Nothing too exciting or intense, but enough to get the job done.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Well, what can I say......another unplanned, but somewhat deserved rest day.
Oh, I did go on about a 1 mile walk in the snow in the evening......not much, but at least a little movement.
Oh, I did go on about a 1 mile walk in the snow in the evening......not much, but at least a little movement.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Back, Boxing and More
I went to the gym again today and did a little back workout of DB rows, lat pulldowns, seated cable rows, pullups and hanging scapular depression/retraction. I followed this with 20 mins each on the elliptical and step mill. When I got home I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Recharged and Back At It
The day started with 2 laps of the Beast in the snow. I followed this with a workout of incline DB bench presses, Hammer Strength bench press and supersetting the pec dec with pushups. After this, I spent 15 mins each on the x-trainer and step mill.
Going to the gym in a lunch-break makes you work better -- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/3793791/Going-to-the-gym-in-a-lunch-break-makes-you-work-better.html
Going to the gym in a lunch-break makes you work better -- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/3793791/Going-to-the-gym-in-a-lunch-break-makes-you-work-better.html
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Rest Day
Today I took an unplanned but much needed rest.
This is why you anchor the bands on the other side of the door so they pull the door shut -- http://www.picvi.com/2008/12/16/video-idiot-and-his-home-gym/
This is why you anchor the bands on the other side of the door so they pull the door shut -- http://www.picvi.com/2008/12/16/video-idiot-and-his-home-gym/
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Aerobic Day
Two laps of the Beast started the day and I followed that with 40 mins on the stationary bike at the gym. Not really the rest I had planned on giving my legs, but it wasn't too bad.
Working exercise into holiday routine -- http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2008/dec/16/working-exercise-into-holiday-routine/
Working exercise into holiday routine -- http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2008/dec/16/working-exercise-into-holiday-routine/
Monday, December 15, 2008
Not Sure How Much More My Legs Can Take!
Another workout at the gym.....although I prefer freeweights and compound exercises, it's fun to use some machines and do a few isolation exercises that I haven't done in quite awhile, and do "bodypart" workouts.....sort of old school, bodybuilding type workouts. Today I hit the legs hard with leg extensions, leg presses, leg curls and donkey calf raises. Considering all I've done to my legs recently, it might be time to give them a break soon. I also spent 1/2 hour on the x-trainer. Later, I spent 1/2 hour on the heavy bag and to finish off the day I played volleyball for a couple of hours.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Good Leg Thrashing
A little snowfall made my 5k run fun this morning. I followed this with a couple of 1/2 mile walks in the snow with the kids when they came over to workout. A little later I spent about 1/2 hour doing lower body plyos. Not a bad day.
Whose life is it anyway? Workers pay price for unhealthy ways -- http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/health/36112634.html?elr=KArksi8cyaiUncacyi8cyaiUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU
Whose life is it anyway? Workers pay price for unhealthy ways -- http://www.startribune.com/lifestyle/health/36112634.html?elr=KArksi8cyaiUncacyi8cyaiUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tabatas and Boxing
I had a great workout this evening! You could try the same thing and substitute 3 mins of stationary bike, 2 mins of jump rope or 1/4 mile sprints for the 5 mins heavy bag......or use your imagination..............
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pullups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pushups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata crunches
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata squats
5 mins heavy bag
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pullups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pushups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata crunches
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata squats
5 mins heavy bag
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Gym -- Again
I guess I'm making a habit out of going to the gym again....LOL. Today I did a quick workout of incline DB bench presses, hammer strength bench presses and cable crossovers followed by 30 mins on the stationary bike. Later at home, I spent about 20 minutes on the heavy bag with a few sets of pushups to failure thrown in.
Keeping your New Year’s resolutions -- http://www.pal-item.com/article/20081212/NEWS16/81209016/1005
Keeping your New Year’s resolutions -- http://www.pal-item.com/article/20081212/NEWS16/81209016/1005
Thursday, December 11, 2008
X-Trainer and Back Workout
I made it back to the gym again today and did a basic back workout of 3 sets each of DB rows, lat pulldowns, seated cable rows, pullups and hanging scapular depression/retraction. I followed this with 1/2 hour on the x-trainer.
It's good to get back to the gym, but I could certainly do without that awful music they play....LOL.
It's good to get back to the gym, but I could certainly do without that awful music they play....LOL.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Back to the Gym
After over a year, I finally made it back to the gym for a little cardio today. I just didn't feel like running or biking in the freezing weather today, so I spent 1/2 hr on the elliptical/x-trainer. Later, I spent 1/2 hr doing crunches, pushups and heavy bag.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Short 'n' Sweet
Two laps of the Beast followed by a quick workout of bench presses and pullups got the job done today.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tons of Activity
I started the day with a 5k run which was followed a little later by a good leg workout of front squats, SLDLs, calf raises and stationary lunges w/40# DBs.......I even squeezed in 10 mins on the heavy bag after this. Then, to end the day I played volleyball for 2 hours. I think I made up for yesterday's lack of activity.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Change of Plans
The plan just didn't come together as intended today and I didn't get any exercise.....but, there's always tomorrow.
Working Out Can Help You Ward Off Illness -- http://www.ny1.com/content/ny1_living/90201/working-out-can-help-you-ward-off-illness/Default.aspx
Working Out Can Help You Ward Off Illness -- http://www.ny1.com/content/ny1_living/90201/working-out-can-help-you-ward-off-illness/Default.aspx
Saturday, December 6, 2008
3 Ps and Crunches
Only managed to do a quick workout of pullups, power cleans, pushups and some crunches today, but with any luck I'll make up for it tomorrow.
Exercise for Elderly May Ward Off Memory Loss -- http://www.healthnews.com/family-health/aging-getter-older/exercise-elderly-may-ward-off-memory-loss-2217.html
Exercise for Elderly May Ward Off Memory Loss -- http://www.healthnews.com/family-health/aging-getter-older/exercise-elderly-may-ward-off-memory-loss-2217.html
Friday, December 5, 2008
Frozen FreyBalls
Hey.....not what you're thinking!
I got out for a 1 hr bike ride this morning, and even though the temp was a couple of degrees above freezing, it felt like my eyeballs were just about frozen and I dare not blink too hard for fear of them cracking.....LOL. Later I got a start on the yard work I've been putting off for so long.....only made a small dent in it, so if you don't see any mention of yard work here sometime during the next few weeks you should start giving me crap. Then to end the day, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
I got out for a 1 hr bike ride this morning, and even though the temp was a couple of degrees above freezing, it felt like my eyeballs were just about frozen and I dare not blink too hard for fear of them cracking.....LOL. Later I got a start on the yard work I've been putting off for so long.....only made a small dent in it, so if you don't see any mention of yard work here sometime during the next few weeks you should start giving me crap. Then to end the day, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Cleans and Power Cleans
2 laps of the Beast started the day and in the evening I spent 1/2 hour doing cleans and power cleans. Not a lot, but enough for today.
Exercise Eases Obesity -- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/03/AR2008120301482.html
Exercise Eases Obesity -- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/03/AR2008120301482.html
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Nothing But Bike
Only found time for an hour long bike ride today.
Hoping you all managed to do a little more than I did.
Hoping you all managed to do a little more than I did.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Mixed Bag
A real mixed bag today......4 laps of the Beast followed by 1/2 hour of upper body MB plyos, KB swings and heavy bag and later 1 lap of Elmo.
Monday, December 1, 2008
~ TOPFIT Turkey Burn ~
Today was my day to do the ~ TOPFIT Turkey Burn ~ workout.....my special holiday workout to help burn off all the turkey and everything else everyone seems to need to indulge in this time of year. 35 minutes that seemed like over an hour of extreme intensity. For those that I've had do it this year or last, you know what I mean.....for those I'm still going to have do it, be afraid, very afraid......for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about here's the plan.......Each 'station' is done for 1 minute counting total reps for each exercise and at the end, a grand total.....complete 5 circuits.
squat thrusts
SB crunches
SB leg curls
If you can't do pullups, do jump pullups, some other form of modified pullups, lat pulldowns, cable rows or band rows.....don't make them too easy...you probably shouldn't be able to do a minute without breaks. Pushups can be standard, knee or counter pushups as needed.
Let me know if you decide to try it and what your grand total is.
Later, I had some energy left over, so I spent 20 minutes on the heavy bag.
squat thrusts
SB crunches
SB leg curls
If you can't do pullups, do jump pullups, some other form of modified pullups, lat pulldowns, cable rows or band rows.....don't make them too easy...you probably shouldn't be able to do a minute without breaks. Pushups can be standard, knee or counter pushups as needed.
Let me know if you decide to try it and what your grand total is.
Later, I had some energy left over, so I spent 20 minutes on the heavy bag.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
5k and Circuits
A cold, foggy, misty 5k run started the day. I followed that with a couple of 1/2 mile walks with the kids and then spent 1/2 hour doing circuits of KB swings, pullups, pushups and heavy bag.
Much better than yesterday.
Much better than yesterday.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Bike and Olys
Another cold bike ride started the day and later I did some snatches, power snatches and pushups.
Exercise, eat healthy to reduce holiday stress -- Keeping up exercise routine, healthful eating work wonders -- http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/ss/fromtopemails/103854.php
Exercise, eat healthy to reduce holiday stress -- Keeping up exercise routine, healthful eating work wonders -- http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/ss/fromtopemails/103854.php
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Pedal, Push, Pull and Punch
A cold, foggy, misty bike ride started the day and that was followed by some bench pressing and weighted pullups. After a good ham dinner with the kids I spent some quality time on the heavy bag.
Hope you've all had a great Thanksgiving and maybe even found a little time to do something for your health.
Hope you've all had a great Thanksgiving and maybe even found a little time to do something for your health.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Heavy Bag
Not a lot of time today, so all I sqeezed in was 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Hope you all found time to do more than I did.
Hope you all found time to do more than I did.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Beast and Lunging
All I had time for today was walking the Beast 4 times and lunging approx. 300 yards. Seemed like enough today.
Monday, November 24, 2008
More Bike and Boxing
A chilly bike ride started the day and later I spent 30 minutes on the heavy bag.
Turkey Trivia Quiz -- http://home.aristotle.net/Thanksgiving/trivia.asp
Turkey Trivia Quiz -- http://home.aristotle.net/Thanksgiving/trivia.asp
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Almost a Rest Day
It was time for a break, so today I only did about 1/2 hr of light stretching and core exercises.
Exercise cuts cancer risk – new study -- http://foodconsumer.org/7777/8888/L_ifestyle/112311322008_Exercise_cuts_cancer_risk_new_study.shtml
Exercise cuts cancer risk – new study -- http://foodconsumer.org/7777/8888/L_ifestyle/112311322008_Exercise_cuts_cancer_risk_new_study.shtml
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tabatas and Heavy Bag
After my lest session today, I did Tabata pullups, pushups, crunches, squats, jump rope and jumping jacks with about 1-2 minutes between each. I followed this with about 25 mins on the heavy bag......quality over quantity today....LOL.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bike, Olys and KBs
A chilly bike ride started the day and that was followed by a good workout of cleans, power cleans and KB overhead squats.
Exorcising diabetes -- http://www.ajc.com/services/content/printedition/2008/11/19/diabetes.html
Exorcising diabetes -- http://www.ajc.com/services/content/printedition/2008/11/19/diabetes.html
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Barbells and Heavy Bag
The weather was a bit too volatile this morning to want to get out for a run or ride, so I started my day with a modified version of a workout I had a couple of clients do earlier this week.......4 circuits of BB bench press, french presses (overhead extensions) and pushups (all to failure or close to it)........followed by 4 circuits of BB rows, BB curls and pullups (all to failure or close to it).
I then spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Five ways to keep Alzheimer's away -- http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/11/20/ep.alzheimers.brain.exercise/
I then spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Five ways to keep Alzheimer's away -- http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/11/20/ep.alzheimers.brain.exercise/
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Beast 'n' Bike
2 laps of the Beast and an hour long bike ride was enough today.
Do calorie counters on fitness machines tell the truth? -- http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/fea/healthyliving/fitness/stories/111908dnlivmachines.10512d9.html
Do calorie counters on fitness machines tell the truth? -- http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/fea/healthyliving/fitness/stories/111908dnlivmachines.10512d9.html
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First, just a little news.....I am now AED equipped. In addition to the obvious, what does this mean for my clients? Well, now I no longer need to hold back for fear of causing a heart attack....LOL....so be prepared because now it gets SERIOUS!!
I got off to a good start today with 4 laps of the Beast and afterward I put in 40 mins on the heavy bag. Later, I lunged up Elmo with JP & SP (Way to go!! The only 2 to do a long lunge workout twice!) plus we walked back down and ran half way up......I guess today we need to call the hill MR. ELMO. Then, just for the heck of it, I did some circuits of KB swings, pushups and crunches.
I got off to a good start today with 4 laps of the Beast and afterward I put in 40 mins on the heavy bag. Later, I lunged up Elmo with JP & SP (Way to go!! The only 2 to do a long lunge workout twice!) plus we walked back down and ran half way up......I guess today we need to call the hill MR. ELMO. Then, just for the heck of it, I did some circuits of KB swings, pushups and crunches.
Monday, November 17, 2008
5k and Olys
A brisk 5k run was a great start to the day, and after my last session I did some snatches, power snatches and BB shoulder presses. I ended the day with a little time on the heavy bag.
The Snatch -- http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/OlympicLifts/Snatch.html
The Snatch -- http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/OlympicLifts/Snatch.html
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Just Another Sunday Funday
I started the day with a couple of 1/2 mile walks and 30 mins of circuits consisting of:
pullups x 5
squats x 10
pushups x 15
crunches x 20
Later I did some paced circuits of weighted pullups, ring dips and wall sits.
20 mins on the heavy bag finished off the day.
Make the Time to Exercise! -- http://www.healthnewsdigest.com/news/Lifestyle_580/Make_the_Time_to_Exercise.shtml
pullups x 5
squats x 10
pushups x 15
crunches x 20
Later I did some paced circuits of weighted pullups, ring dips and wall sits.
20 mins on the heavy bag finished off the day.
Make the Time to Exercise! -- http://www.healthnewsdigest.com/news/Lifestyle_580/Make_the_Time_to_Exercise.shtml
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday Circuits
This morning I worked out with a couple of clients. We started by walking the Beast, followed by 5 circuits of:
walking lunges x 15/leg
pullups (modified) x 15
pushups x 15
SB crunches x 15
SB leg curls x 15
calf raises x 15
We ended with another lap of the Beast.
Later, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
walking lunges x 15/leg
pullups (modified) x 15
pushups x 15
SB crunches x 15
SB leg curls x 15
calf raises x 15
We ended with another lap of the Beast.
Later, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pedal and Push
After my early sessions, I got out on a chilly hour long bike ride, and after my last sessions I did a good chest workout of bench presses, supersets of DB flyes/DB bench presses, and decline pushups (feet elevated 40")........a good basic day.....a little aerobic and a little anaerobic.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Aerobic and Anaerobic Legs
3 laps of the Beast started the day, and I ended the day with some front squats, SLDLs and stationary lunges in addition to a few cleans.
Cold weather doesn't have to put chill on exercise -- http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=105321
Cold weather doesn't have to put chill on exercise -- http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=105321
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bike & Box
Same tune as yesterday except substitute riding for running. Unfortunately, it seems I picked up a couple of thorns on my last ride and I had to fix a flat before I could ride :(
Later, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Dispelling Popular Diet and Exercise Myths -- http://newsblaze.com/story/20081112152658zzzz.nb/topstory.html -- (#8 is a little off, but not a bad article overall.)
Later, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Dispelling Popular Diet and Exercise Myths -- http://newsblaze.com/story/20081112152658zzzz.nb/topstory.html -- (#8 is a little off, but not a bad article overall.)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
5k, KBs, Etc.
I'm runnin' in the rain
I'm runnin' in the rain
Just like a big dummass
I'm soggy again
My hands are nigh numb
I'm feelin' really dumb
I'm runnin', I'm runnin'
In the rain.
Before the run, I walked the Beast twice.
After the run I worked out with Rob and Ralph. In addition to the 1/2 mile warm-up walk, we did 4 sets each of KB swings, DB bench presses and DB rows (and yes, they're gonna be hurting).
I still had a little energy and time left, so I ended up doing a few sets each of KB snatches and KB clean & presses.
Overweight pets: Like owner, like pet? -- http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081111/LIFE/811110331 -- "....I love having a fat cat," she said. "I'm not really concerned about her. I mean, she still moves." She still moves? What the hell?
I'm runnin' in the rain
Just like a big dummass
I'm soggy again
My hands are nigh numb
I'm feelin' really dumb
I'm runnin', I'm runnin'
In the rain.
Before the run, I walked the Beast twice.
After the run I worked out with Rob and Ralph. In addition to the 1/2 mile warm-up walk, we did 4 sets each of KB swings, DB bench presses and DB rows (and yes, they're gonna be hurting).
I still had a little energy and time left, so I ended up doing a few sets each of KB snatches and KB clean & presses.
Overweight pets: Like owner, like pet? -- http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081111/LIFE/811110331 -- "....I love having a fat cat," she said. "I'm not really concerned about her. I mean, she still moves." She still moves? What the hell?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Bike 'n' Ball
Although it was chilly and threatening to rain, I got out for a bike ride this morning. I followed this with 10 circuits of:
SB leg curls x 15
SB tucks x 15
SB back extensions x 15
SB crunches x 15
I ended the day with two 1/4 mile walks with clients.
SB leg curls x 15
SB tucks x 15
SB back extensions x 15
SB crunches x 15
I ended the day with two 1/4 mile walks with clients.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Plyos and More
A couple of 1/2 mile walks with the kids was followed by close to an hour of upper and lower body plyos. I finished the day alternating between 3 minute intervals of jump rope and heavy bag for a total of 6 intervals.
Lack of sleep can boost obesity in kids -- http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071127/LIFE/711270327
Lack of sleep can boost obesity in kids -- http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071127/LIFE/711270327
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Little Variety
1 lap of the Beast with my clients started my day, and after my last session I did 5 supersets of:
power cleans x 10
jump muscle-ups x 10
I followed this with 5 circuits of:
pullups x 10
pushups x 10
squats x 10
SB back extensions x 10
SB crunches x 10
power cleans x 10
jump muscle-ups x 10
I followed this with 5 circuits of:
pullups x 10
pushups x 10
squats x 10
SB back extensions x 10
SB crunches x 10
Friday, November 7, 2008
Just Sittin' Around
The weather and my schedule finally allowed for a great hour long bike ride this morning. Later, I did 5 sets each of standard and sumo deadlifts followed by 5 supersets of wall sits for max time and pushups for max reps. I figured it was time I did some wall sits since I've just been killing some clients with these lately.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Beast and Boxing
2 laps of the Beast and approx. 150 walking lunges started the day and I finished the day with 40 minutes on the heavy bag.
Study: Obese fliers weigh down planes -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6409403 -- (and things have only gotten worse since this article was written)
Study: Obese fliers weigh down planes -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6409403 -- (and things have only gotten worse since this article was written)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Circuits, Tabatas and Boxing
A friend and I spent half an hour doing circuits of KB swings, pushups, jump pullups and SB crunches. Later I did Tabata pullups, Tabata pushups, Tabata SB crunches and Tabata squats.....I spent 5 mins on the heavy bag after each Tabata exercise.
No biking or running today......just too cold and rainy.
Obesity epidemic hits child safety seats -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12122112/
No biking or running today......just too cold and rainy.
Obesity epidemic hits child safety seats -- http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12122112/
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Beast, Snatches, Swinging and Elmo
3 laps of the Beast started the day and I followed this with a workout of snatches, power snatches and KB swings. Later I ran up Elmo with a couple of clients.
Strength training can ease aging's effects on women -- http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-weight27-2008oct27,0,7530977.story?track=rss
Strength training can ease aging's effects on women -- http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-weight27-2008oct27,0,7530977.story?track=rss
Monday, November 3, 2008
Run, Row and RUMBLE
A 5k run started my day and I followed that with weighted and bodyweight pullups and chinups, DB rows and 1 arm high cable rows. Later I squeezed in 20 mins on the heavy bag between sessions.
Diabetics shouldn't resist resistance exercise -- http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/booster_shots/2008/11/diabetics-shoul.html
Diabetics shouldn't resist resistance exercise -- http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/booster_shots/2008/11/diabetics-shoul.html
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Circuits, The Beast, Push, Punch and Jump
I started my day by working out with a couple of clients. We walked the Beast and then did 5 circuits of pullups, pushups, SB crunches, squats, DB shoulder presses, DB curls and ran one lap of the upper part of the driveway (approx 150 yards with a mild incline). As on Tuesday, the key to this workout is the target reps on each exercise is 15 but once you reach 15 you still have to continue until the last person hits 15 reps on whichever exercise they are doing. We then walked the Beast again.
In the afternoon, I did some moderately heavy bench presses, supersets of DB flyes and DB bench presses, followed by more pushups. After this, I spent 20 mins with the heavy bag and jump rope.
In the afternoon, I did some moderately heavy bench presses, supersets of DB flyes and DB bench presses, followed by more pushups. After this, I spent 20 mins with the heavy bag and jump rope.
Friday, October 31, 2008
5k and Boxing
I did a good 5k run in the morning and after my last session I spent 30 minutes on the heavy bag. Another basic day....nothing too exciting.
CDC: Obesity Is Behind Increase In Diabetes Cases -- http://kdka.com/local/Diabetes.cases.increase.2.853814.html
CDC: Obesity Is Behind Increase In Diabetes Cases -- http://kdka.com/local/Diabetes.cases.increase.2.853814.html
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Little Bit Bassackwards
Once again, I started the day by walking the Beast 4 times with clients........ the last time we walked up backwards.
Later, I did 5 circuits of:
handstand pushups x 5
ring pullups x 10
stationary lunges x 15/leg
pushups x 20
I followed this with 5 supersets of:
SB back extensions x 20
SB crunches x 20
Later, I did 5 circuits of:
handstand pushups x 5
ring pullups x 10
stationary lunges x 15/leg
pushups x 20
I followed this with 5 supersets of:
SB back extensions x 20
SB crunches x 20
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pyramid Supersets
Not being too worse for wear after yesterday's beatings, I started the day with an hour long bike ride and followed that with supersets of 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 reps of jump pullups and decline pushups (feet elevated 42 inches). I also fit in 20 minutes on the heavy bag.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
This Just Might Hurt
I started my day by working out with my first client. We walked the Beast and then did 5 circuits of pullups, pushups, SB crunches, squats and SB leg curls. The key to this workout is the target reps on each exercise is 15 but once you reach 15 you still have to continue until the last person hits 15 reps on whichever exercise they are doing. We then walked the Beast again. Also, my son joined us for the workout and got his first taste of the Beast.....and he conquered it twice......way to go Rob!!
Then, I did the same workout again with my next client.....the whole thing including walking the Beast twice.
Not a bad start to my day.
A good end to the day was walking lunges up Elmo with my last client of the day. And, a big "way to go" SP for being the first man to do any of the landmark long distance walking lunge workouts!! Except for myself, these workouts have been the domain of the women.
Top 10 Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack -- http://health.howstuffworks.com/10-ways-to-avoid-heart-attack.htm
Then, I did the same workout again with my next client.....the whole thing including walking the Beast twice.
Not a bad start to my day.
A good end to the day was walking lunges up Elmo with my last client of the day. And, a big "way to go" SP for being the first man to do any of the landmark long distance walking lunge workouts!! Except for myself, these workouts have been the domain of the women.
Top 10 Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack -- http://health.howstuffworks.com/10-ways-to-avoid-heart-attack.htm
Monday, October 27, 2008
Nothing Exciting
I went on a good moderate intensity bike ride this morning, and later I squeezed in some circuits of ring pullups, BB shoulder presses, SB back extensions and SB crunches. I finished the day by walking a total of a mile with a couple of clients. Nothing too exciting today, but it was enough.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Upper & Lower Table Rocks
Two 1/2 mile walks with the kids was a good warmup for the rest of the day. Then I hiked both Upper and Lower Table Rocks.....almost 4 hours of hiking time between them. After this, I spent some time on the heavy bag to give my upper body a little attention.
I hope you've all had a healthy weekend!!
I hope you've all had a healthy weekend!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Push, Pull, Throw & Toss
After my last session today the weather was just perfect for a bike ride....no thorns this time. After this I did supersets of bench press and pullups followed by some upper body MB plyos. A little time on the heavy bag rounded the day out nicely.
Let me know what you've done for your fitness today.
Let me know what you've done for your fitness today.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Snatches and a Thorny Situation
I headed out for a good ride along the bike path this morning, but about 20 mins in I got a big ole thorn in the front tire.....so I wisely decided to turn around and go home. Fortunately, I left the thorn in because when I got home and removed it, the air really came hissing out.
After patching the tube, I did 10 sets of 5 reps of light snatches, and later in the day I did 5 circuits of the following:
jump rope x 2 mins
SB crunches x 2 mins
heavy bag x 2 mins
After patching the tube, I did 10 sets of 5 reps of light snatches, and later in the day I did 5 circuits of the following:
jump rope x 2 mins
SB crunches x 2 mins
heavy bag x 2 mins
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Light Day
Time and energy limited today to just 3 laps of the Beast.....a nice light day of recovery.
6 Of Your Favorite Things That Are Secretly Making You Fat -- (some NSFW language) -- http://www.cracked.com/article_16708_6-your-favorite-things-that-are-secretly-making-you-fat.html
6 Of Your Favorite Things That Are Secretly Making You Fat -- (some NSFW language) -- http://www.cracked.com/article_16708_6-your-favorite-things-that-are-secretly-making-you-fat.html
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Power Cleans and Pushups
After yesterday's activities, I was just a little bit stiff and sore, but a 1 hr bike ride helped to work some of that out. I followed this with 10 supersets of the following:
powercleans -- 135# x 10
pushups x 20
Later I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag, and to finish the day off I did two 1/2 mile walks with a client.
Hope you've all gotten a good workout today.
powercleans -- 135# x 10
pushups x 20
Later I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag, and to finish the day off I did two 1/2 mile walks with a client.
Hope you've all gotten a good workout today.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Aerobic Activity and ......oh CRAP!
Seemed like a perfect day to just do a bit of moderate intensity aerobic activity, so I started the day by walking the Beast twice with a client and later did a 5k run.
Oh crap! As is usual for me on a Tuesday, I forgot about what I might be doing at the end of the day......I finished my day by doing walking lunges up Elmo with a client.....about 1/3 mile uphill.....that's approx. 600 steps.......way to go JP!!
Oh crap! As is usual for me on a Tuesday, I forgot about what I might be doing at the end of the day......I finished my day by doing walking lunges up Elmo with a client.....about 1/3 mile uphill.....that's approx. 600 steps.......way to go JP!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pedal and Pull
Due to the higher intensity and volume of the past 2 days, I gave myself a break and only did a 1 hr moderate intensity bike ride and spent about 1/2 hr doing weighted pullups and BB rows. I finished the day with three 1/2 mile walks with clients.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A couple of 1/2 mile walks got the day started and later I spent about 45 mins doing KB snatches, KB swings, 1 arm KB overhead squats, SB crunches and SB back extensions......lots of core involvement with all of these exercises. Then a nice 1 hr bike ride rounded out the day.
Well, then I got restless and spent 30 mins on the heavy bag......that's probably it for the day.....maybe....LOL.
10 Reasons Not to Skimp on Sleep -- http://fe1.story.media.ac4.yahoo.com/news/us/story/usnews/20081016/ts_usnews/10reasonsnottoskimponsleep
Well, then I got restless and spent 30 mins on the heavy bag......that's probably it for the day.....maybe....LOL.
10 Reasons Not to Skimp on Sleep -- http://fe1.story.media.ac4.yahoo.com/news/us/story/usnews/20081016/ts_usnews/10reasonsnottoskimponsleep
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Killer Leg Workout
This was a killer leg workout and it wasn't even mine.....I just stood there and watched my client. She started with SB squats w/30# DBs -- 4 x 12, followed by SB leg curls -- 4 x 20 supersetted with wall sits to failure, followed by stationary lunges -- 3 x 10/leg supersetted with SB tucks -- 3 x 15. After all this she did Tabata squats. Ouch!
Today's performance in the above workout by SR, an earlier workout by BC and yesterday's workout by LG were truely impressive and inspirational and I would have felt guilty if I didn't get some good intense activity today myself. So in addition to walking the Beast twice this morning, I did 5 circuits of the following:
thrusters (95#) x 5
pullups x 10
box jumps (18") x 15
pushups x 20
jump rope x 200
Later, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
So, did you do anything active today?
Today's performance in the above workout by SR, an earlier workout by BC and yesterday's workout by LG were truely impressive and inspirational and I would have felt guilty if I didn't get some good intense activity today myself. So in addition to walking the Beast twice this morning, I did 5 circuits of the following:
thrusters (95#) x 5
pullups x 10
box jumps (18") x 15
pushups x 20
jump rope x 200
Later, I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
So, did you do anything active today?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Lower Volume Day
After several days of high volumes of activity, it was time for a lower activity day. I started by walking 3/4 mile and the Baby Beast with clients and later supersetted moderate and heavy bench presses with ring pushups and supersetted DB flyes with decline pushups. Almost a rest day!
Bodybuilding in Cuba with Lyen Wong -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DYu6j1LWew
Bodybuilding in Cuba with Lyen Wong -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DYu6j1LWew
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lots of Aerobic Activities
Seemed like a good day to concentrate on aerobic activities so I started by doing the Beast 4 times with clients, then due to some timely cancellations I had time for a couple of bike rides that totaled 95 mins. Later I did five 3 min rounds w/1 min rests on the heavy bag. With any luck, I'll have time tomorrow to get in some good anaerobic work.
Lunchbox Makeovers -- http://www.topfitonline.com/lunchbox.htm
Lunchbox Makeovers -- http://www.topfitonline.com/lunchbox.htm
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fun Circuits
A fairly high intensity hour long bike ride started the day. After this I did 5 circuits of pullups x 5, KB swings x 10, decline ring pushups x 15 and crunches x 20.....I also threw in 3 sets each of 2 different MB trunk rotation exercises. After my last session I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag. Overall, not a bad day.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Beast, Bike, Back and Elmo
4 laps of the Beast was a good start to the day, then I went on a nice 1 hr bike ride. After this, since I've kind of been getting back into some old school "bodypart" workouts lately, I did a back workout.....bodyweight and weighted pullups and chinups, DB rows, hanging scapular retraction/depression. And then at the end of the day I ran up Elmo twice and did 140 squats w/MB toss with a couple of clients.......it all added up to quite a day of activity!!
Exercising with osteoporosis: Stay active the safe way -- http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/osteoporosis/HQ00643/UPDATEAPP=false&FLUSHCACHE=0
Exercising with osteoporosis: Stay active the safe way -- http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/osteoporosis/HQ00643/UPDATEAPP=false&FLUSHCACHE=0
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday's Bike, Bench and Box
The weather was great for a 1 hr bike ride this morning.....a perfect fall morning.....sunny and just a little cool. Later I did some moderately heavy bench presses, supersets of DB flyes and alternating DB chest presses, and decline pushups. I followed this with 20 mins of heavy bag.
Healthy Recipes -- http://www.acefitness.org/getfit/recipes.aspx
Healthy Recipes -- http://www.acefitness.org/getfit/recipes.aspx
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Lots of variety today. I started with snatches and power snatches, then did some 1 arm KB overhead squats, followed by ring pushups. After this I got some long overdue yardwork done (still tons to do). No cardio today, but I'm hoping to get a good bike ride in tomorrow.
What did you do for your health and fitness this weekend?
What did you do for your health and fitness this weekend?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Rested and Ready to Go
Yesterday was a much needed day of rest, but it was time to get back to being active today. I started with two laps of the Beast with my client and then a 1 hour bike ride. Later I did a little workout of 100 pullups, 5 mins heavy bag, 100 pushups, 5 mins heavy bag, 100 crunches, 5 mins heavy bag, 100 squats, 5 mins heavy bag.
What did you do today?
What did you do today?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Total Rest Day
I had some big plans for a killer workout today, but I just wasn't feeling it.....I realized it was time for a break. So, absolutely no exercise today. I spent the day working on the health of my business and my brain.......office work and some long overdue reading.
Fat-Kins Diet -- (some NSFW language) -- http://www.friendsoffoamy.com/videos/fat-kins-diet-episode-043
Fat-Kins Diet -- (some NSFW language) -- http://www.friendsoffoamy.com/videos/fat-kins-diet-episode-043
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Read The Rant
Two laps of the Beast started the day and I followed that with an hour long bike ride. Later, I spent 1/2 hour doing KB snatches and KB clean & presses.
Read The Rant -- http://www.topfitonline.com/rant.htm
Read The Rant -- http://www.topfitonline.com/rant.htm
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Finally, Clean Air
Another chilly morning, but at least I think we're done with the smoke from wildfires that has plagued us all summer......this made for a great bike ride this morning. Later I did 20 mins of circuits of DB shoulder presses, curls and overhead extensions......I don't often directly target or isolate the bis and tris, but it just felt like a good day to do something different. This was followed by some time on the heavy bag in the evening and Tabata KB swings. One note of warning..... don't attempt Tabata KB swings unless and you are 100% confident that your form is impaccable.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Rain, Rain, Rain
Due to the rain today I played the part of a wuss and didn't get out for a run or a bike ride. I did, however, get a good workout of front squats, SLDLs, DB lunges and power cleans. Later I spent some time supersetting intervals of jump rope and heavy bag.
Eat Less, Move More -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKs0oEIVOck
Eat Less, Move More -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKs0oEIVOck
Monday, October 6, 2008
Getting The Week Off To A Good Start
Another chilly morning, but just right for a 90 minute bike ride that included about 30 mins of grinding uphill......some fairly high intensity stuff. Later, I put together a good workout of deadlifts (both standard and sumo) and weighted pullups and chinups.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Pedals and Plyos
It was a little on the chilly side this morning, but that was just perfect for a 1 hour bike ride. Shortly after that I went on two 1/2 mile walks with the kids at the beginning and end of their workout, and then spent about 45 mins doing plyometrics.....mostly lower body, but also a couple of upper body exercises.
Somewhat as an afterthought, I threw in 20 mins on the heavy bag in the evening.
Surprise Ingredients In Fast Food -- http://rinf.com/alt-news/culture/surprise-ingredients-in-fast-food/1654/
Somewhat as an afterthought, I threw in 20 mins on the heavy bag in the evening.
Surprise Ingredients In Fast Food -- http://rinf.com/alt-news/culture/surprise-ingredients-in-fast-food/1654/
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Circuits, Bench Press and Heavy Bag
I got my day off to a great start with 5 circuits consisting of pullups x 5, ring dips x 10, squats x 15, crunches x 20 and a 400m run. After my last session today I spent 20 mins doing supersets of max reps of bodyweight (185#) bench presses and max reps of pushups followed by 20 mins on the heavy bag.
The Power Nap -- http://www.mensjournal.com/healthFitness/0601/napping_power.html
The Power Nap -- http://www.mensjournal.com/healthFitness/0601/napping_power.html
Friday, October 3, 2008
5k and Oly Lifts
It seemed like a great day to get out for a run....something I've been neglecting lately. So, I started the day by running 5k.....I sure didn't set any records, but it felt good. In the evening I found time for some snatches and cleans....not a bad day.
Take the Portion Distortion Quiz -- http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/portion/index.htm
Take the Portion Distortion Quiz -- http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/portion/index.htm
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Rest Day!
Between a busy schedule today and several days in a row of high levels of activity, it's time for a break. The only exercise I got today was doing the Beast twice. Tomorrow I'll have time, and hopefully the energy, to get back to some good workouts.
TOPFIT TIP -- Time seems to be the excuse everyone uses when they don’t eat right or exercise, but if you don’t find time to do it now, you’ll really come up short on time at the end of your life. Find the time now to get healthy and stay healthy, and you’ll more than make up for it by living a longer and more functional life.
TOPFIT TIP -- Time seems to be the excuse everyone uses when they don’t eat right or exercise, but if you don’t find time to do it now, you’ll really come up short on time at the end of your life. Find the time now to get healthy and stay healthy, and you’ll more than make up for it by living a longer and more functional life.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Baby Beast, Bike and More
2 laps of the Baby Beast and a 1/4 mile walk started the day and later in the afternoon I went on a fairly intense 1 hr bike ride. Then I spent 30 mins doing supersets of max number of pushups and max pullups. That should do it for today.
TOPFIT Tip -- Your Metabolism Is Like A Campfire -- You need to think of your metabolism as a campfire and calories like the wood you feed into that fire ----- your fire will burn a lot hotter and burn more wood if you feed it small amounts throughout the day instead of throwing a huge log on it once or twice a day after it's died down.
TOPFIT Tip -- Your Metabolism Is Like A Campfire -- You need to think of your metabolism as a campfire and calories like the wood you feed into that fire ----- your fire will burn a lot hotter and burn more wood if you feed it small amounts throughout the day instead of throwing a huge log on it once or twice a day after it's died down.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Backwards Beast and Elmo
I started the day by walking the Beast 4 times with my clients......twice we walked backwards up the hill and once we ran up the hill. I also did a total of 400 walking lunges with them. Later in the afternoon, I walked what I'll call "Elmo" (see notes at bottom of page) 3 times with a couple of clients and then came home and spent about 20 mins on the heavy bag again.
What did you do today?
What did you do today?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Split Jerks and More
A good hour long bike ride started the day and later in the afternoon/evening I spent 1/2 hour working my way up in weight on split jerks and also spent 20 mins on the heavy bag. Nothing too out of the ordinary today, but it was enough.
TOPFIT Tip -- Cut Cancer Risk -- According to the American Council for Cancer Research, you can lower your risk of cancer by 20% by eating your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 20% not enough to get your attention? Then bump that up to as much as a 40% reduction by making the rest of your diet healthy, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight.
TOPFIT Tip -- Cut Cancer Risk -- According to the American Council for Cancer Research, you can lower your risk of cancer by 20% by eating your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. 20% not enough to get your attention? Then bump that up to as much as a 40% reduction by making the rest of your diet healthy, staying active, and maintaining a healthy weight.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sunday Funday
Once again I had 4 other people over for a good circuit workout. We started and ended with a 1/2 mile walk and did 5 circuits of deadlifts, pullups, pushups, SB crunches and SB leg curls. We rotated through each station and everyone had to keep doing reps until the last/slowest person completed 15 reps on whichever station they were on.......you can bet there was some "subtle" encouragement handed out to the slowest person on each interval......LOL.
After this, I went on a 1 hour bike ride and spent about 1/2 hour doing yard work. Since I still had a little energy left I also spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
After this, I went on a 1 hour bike ride and spent about 1/2 hour doing yard work. Since I still had a little energy left I also spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Rest Day?
Rest day? Well, almost. In the morning I walked the Beast twice and ran approx 1/4 mile 3 times with my client. Then it was off to the Harvest Fair and Microbrew Fest. There was a lot of walking involved and a little dancing, but fear not, I made up for it by eating a little junk and sampling several microbrews......good times!
TOPFIT TIP -- Fat Loss and Low Intensity Cardio -- Don't buy in to the myth that by doing low intensity cardio you’ll burn more fat than doing high intensity cardio -- sounds like an excuse to be lazy to me. Whereas it is true that the percentage of calories coming from fat is higher, total calories burned will be lower….and for fat loss, isn’t it all about burning more calories?
TOPFIT TIP -- Fat Loss and Low Intensity Cardio -- Don't buy in to the myth that by doing low intensity cardio you’ll burn more fat than doing high intensity cardio -- sounds like an excuse to be lazy to me. Whereas it is true that the percentage of calories coming from fat is higher, total calories burned will be lower….and for fat loss, isn’t it all about burning more calories?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tabatas and Boxing
A brisk 1 mile walk with clients was a great start to my day, followed by a fairly intense 1 hour bike ride. Later, I did some Tabatas (see notes at bottom of page) and boxing.....5 mins heavy bag, Tabata pullups, 5 mins speed bag, Tabata pushups, 5 mins heavy bag, Tabata crunches, 5 mins speed bag, Tabata squats, with approx 1 minute rest between exercises.
If you haven't done Tabatas before, give them a try and let me know what you think!
If you haven't done Tabatas before, give them a try and let me know what you think!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Little Bit of Leg Work
Walking the Beast twice was a good start to the day and then, as has been the theme lately, I went on an hour long bike ride.....this one included some hills again.
I managed to squeeze in a decent workout of front squats, stationary lunges and even some calf raises just for fun. Then 1/2 hour on the bike again to go get my hair cut.
Overall, not a bad day.
So what did you manage to piece together today?
I managed to squeeze in a decent workout of front squats, stationary lunges and even some calf raises just for fun. Then 1/2 hour on the bike again to go get my hair cut.
Overall, not a bad day.
So what did you manage to piece together today?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pedal, Push and Pull
The day started with a fun 1 hour bike ride, then later I spent 1/2 an hour alternating between max reps of bodyweight (185#) bench presses and strict (non-kipping) pullups. To finish the day off, I spent 20 mins alternating between 2 min intervals of jump rope and heavy bag.
No takers? C'mon! I know many of you have heavy bags or have access to one......can't I get even one of you to take me up on Saturday's challenge?
No takers? C'mon! I know many of you have heavy bags or have access to one......can't I get even one of you to take me up on Saturday's challenge?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pyramid Circuits
Walking the Beast twice this morning is how I started my day and then, since I had a client do this workout earlier, I thought it would be a great one to do myself. I did circuits of modified pullups/body rows (sometimes referred to as rack rows), pushups, crunches, lunges (number of reps is per leg) and back extensions. The reps on the 11 total circuits were 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Give this one a try yourself and let me know how it goes......change the exercises as necessary to suit your abilities and available equipment.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Clean & Jerk
I started the day with a good hour long bike ride, then later I spent 1/2 hour doing clean & jerks, cleans, and power cleans. To finish the day off, I did a total of about 1.25 miles of brisk walking with clients (broken up into a few intervals). Nothing really exciting, but it got the job done.
So, what did you do today?
TOPFIT Tip -- Sex and Drugs and Exercise -- A couple of the hottest drugs on the market are for erectile dysfunction. These drugs work by increasing blood flow to the affected, or more precisely, the un-affected area.....but why not do the same thing naturally with exercise? Studies have shown that men who exercise vigorously are about half as likely to have erection problems as inactive men. It's also been shown that as a man gains weight, he becomes more susceptible to experiencing erectile dysfunction.
So, what did you do today?
TOPFIT Tip -- Sex and Drugs and Exercise -- A couple of the hottest drugs on the market are for erectile dysfunction. These drugs work by increasing blood flow to the affected, or more precisely, the un-affected area.....but why not do the same thing naturally with exercise? Studies have shown that men who exercise vigorously are about half as likely to have erection problems as inactive men. It's also been shown that as a man gains weight, he becomes more susceptible to experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday Circuits
Circuits seemed to be the order of the day today. I had 4 other people come over and we did 4 circuits of 45 seconds work and 15 seconds rest of box jumps or step ups, pushups, crunches, squats or assisted squats and band rows......I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but give it everything you've got and it's a pretty intense 20 minutes. We also walked 1/2 mile before and after this workout. Before everyone came over, I went on an hour long moderate/high intensity bike ride, and afterward I did about 15 mins of abs and core work.
Here's a little eye-opening article I ran accross. "Obesity More Harmful to Heart Than Smoking"
Here's a little eye-opening article I ran accross. "Obesity More Harmful to Heart Than Smoking"
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Bikin' and Boxin'
Not a lot of biking today, only a total of 35 mins riding to a client's home and back. The main workout today was an old school professional boxing match with my heavy bag. I did 15 three minute rounds with one minute rests. Now, I'd like to challenge all of you that have a heavy bag to do the same this weekend. Be sure to keep your guard up and stay on your toes. Always keep moving....if you're not hitting the bag you should be dancing around it. Let me know how it goes!!
TOPFIT Tip -- Too many people spend more time socializing in the gym than they do working out, so when I hear someone say "I don't have time to go to the gym today", I tell them "4get it!" GET in, GET busy, GET done, GET out. Keep the chatter and rest periods to a minimum --- you’ll probably get a better workout and you’ll feel great about yourself for not skipping it.
TOPFIT Tip -- Too many people spend more time socializing in the gym than they do working out, so when I hear someone say "I don't have time to go to the gym today", I tell them "4get it!" GET in, GET busy, GET done, GET out. Keep the chatter and rest periods to a minimum --- you’ll probably get a better workout and you’ll feel great about yourself for not skipping it.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Lower Intensity Day
After all the activity yesterday, I decided today should be a lower activity day. So, I started with an hour long moderate/high intensity bike ride (the high intensity part was about 15 mins of hill climbing) and after that I did a quick 1/2 hour chest workout consisting of moderate and heavy bench presses and supersets of DB flyes and decline pushups. I don't often do "body part" workouts or isolation exercises, but this just seemed to fit the bill today.
TOPFIT TIP -- Spot reduction does not work, and doing hundreds of crunches will not make you lose the fat covering your abs. Think about it --- if exercising a bodypart got rid of the fat in that area, then everyone you know that talks a lot would have a skinny little face.
TOPFIT TIP -- Spot reduction does not work, and doing hundreds of crunches will not make you lose the fat covering your abs. Think about it --- if exercising a bodypart got rid of the fat in that area, then everyone you know that talks a lot would have a skinny little face.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Birthday Workout
Today I did what I call the Birthday Workout again. This is a workout I've had some clients do to celebrate their birthdays and I usually do it with them. Today, in addition to the birthday boy there were 3 of us doing the workout with him. The workout consists of 6 exercises done as a circuit. On the 1st circuit the reps equal your age, the 2nd circuit the reps equal the month you were born, the 3rd circuit is the day you were born and the 4th circuit is the year you were born (there is a shorter version where you do the current year [8] instead). For example, since I'm 50 and born on 8/25/58 the reps on each of the circuits would be 50, 8, 25, 58. The exercises are kettlebell swings (I used the 20kg), squat thrusts/burpees, modified pullups/body rows, pushups, stability ball crunches and stability ball leg curls. We also walked the Beast (see below) before and after the circuits. Of course, this just wasn't enough for me so I also did about 300 walking lunges with my next client along with walking the Beast again. And since I still had some feeling left in my legs I went on an hour long bike ride after this. And add to all that 20 mins on the heavy bag.
So, what did you do today?
So, what did you do today?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Recovery Days
If you've really been on a roll with your exercise program and have been hitting it hard for several days in a row, take a break for a day. I don't mean you should be a complete couch potato, but don't plan to do any workouts or any exercise just for the sake of exercise. This is a day to take a more leisurely walk, an easy bike ride or do some house or yard work. Keep the intensity on the lower side and give your body a chance to recover from all the intense workouts you've been doing (surely you have been doing intense workouts, right?). You could even find some time to work in a little extra stretching.
Since I've had several days in a row of pushing the overtraining envelope, this is my day to back off a bit. So far I've walked a little over a mile with a client and later I'll do about an hour of yard work.....just some lighter activity to let my body recover and prepare it for what's coming tomorrow.......and what's coming tomorrow is gonna be KILLER.....stay tuned!
Since I've had several days in a row of pushing the overtraining envelope, this is my day to back off a bit. So far I've walked a little over a mile with a client and later I'll do about an hour of yard work.....just some lighter activity to let my body recover and prepare it for what's coming tomorrow.......and what's coming tomorrow is gonna be KILLER.....stay tuned!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Pieced Together Workout
Nothing too exciting or out of the ordinary about today's workout, just a lot of activities that really added up. I started the day by walking the Beast 4 times with a couple of clients (the Beast is a 1/3 mile long paved mountain goat trail that my clients like to call their driveway), went on an hour long moderate intensity bike ride, spent 1/2 hour doing snatches, power snatches and a few overhead squats and finished with 20 mins. of quality time with my heavy bag.
All in all not a bad day. Sometimes you just need to piece it together like that.
All in all not a bad day. Sometimes you just need to piece it together like that.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thanks Cindy!
It's due to Cindy getting a blog online before I did that finally kicked my butt in gear to publish this blog.....it's been set up for awhile, but I was just too lazy to actually commit to posting regularly. Thanks for the little kick in the pants!
If you live in the Spokane Washington area and are in need of a trainer, give Cindy a call. With her unique background and years of experience, she'll get you the results you're after.
Check out her website and blog at http://www.cbfitnesstrainer.com/ .
If you live in the Spokane Washington area and are in need of a trainer, give Cindy a call. With her unique background and years of experience, she'll get you the results you're after.
Check out her website and blog at http://www.cbfitnesstrainer.com/ .
Welcome to the U.S. Lyen!
I want to use this first post to welcome a good friend, fellow trainer and one of Europe's hottest fitness competitors to the U.S.
Lyen Wong has made the move to Miami to take the next step in her fitness career. Of course this means she's building her training business from scratch, so if you're in the Miami area and in need of a trainer, give her a call.
Take some time to check out her websites which you'll find links to both at http://www.lyenwong.com/ .
Welcome to the U.S. Lyen. You're going to do great things here!!!
Lyen Wong has made the move to Miami to take the next step in her fitness career. Of course this means she's building her training business from scratch, so if you're in the Miami area and in need of a trainer, give her a call.
Take some time to check out her websites which you'll find links to both at http://www.lyenwong.com/ .
Welcome to the U.S. Lyen. You're going to do great things here!!!
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- Uh, Oh.....I Think I'm Getting In a Rut
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- Aerobics
- A Bit of a Challenge
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- Tabatas and Heavy Bag
- Bike, Olys and KBs
- Barbells and Heavy Bag
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- 5k and Olys
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- Circuits, Tabatas and Boxing
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- Aerobic Activity and ......oh CRAP!
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- Beast, Bike, Back and Elmo
- Monday's Bike, Bench and Box
- Variety
- Rested and Ready to Go
- Total Rest Day
- Read The Rant
- Finally, Clean Air
- Rain, Rain, Rain
- Getting The Week Off To A Good Start
- Pedals and Plyos
- Circuits, Bench Press and Heavy Bag
- 5k and Oly Lifts
- Rest Day!
- Baby Beast, Bike and More
- Backwards Beast and Elmo
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- Sunday Funday
- Rest Day?
- Tabatas and Boxing
- A Little Bit of Leg Work
- Pedal, Push and Pull
- Pyramid Circuits
- Clean & Jerk
- Sunday Circuits
- Bikin' and Boxin'
- Lower Intensity Day
- The Birthday Workout
- Recovery Days
- Pieced Together Workout
- Thanks Cindy!
- Welcome to the U.S. Lyen!
About Your Trainer

- Medford, OR, United States
- Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.