Today I did a great workout to say so long to 2010 and hello to 2011. I started with 2010 reps of jump rope, followed that with 12 rounds on the heavy bag (3 min rounds with 1 min breaks) and finished with 2011 reps of jump rope.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Beast, Upper Table Rock and Pullups
My day got off to a good start by walking (and slipping and sliding on) the Beast a couple of times. Afterward since I had a last minute cancellation I hiked Upper Table Rock.....more slipping and sliding. Later I did a pullup workout.....I started with bodyweight, worked up to 90 lbs hanging from the belt and worked my way back down to bodyweight again.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Bench Press
It was kind of a light exercise day, but I did spend about 45 mins doing BB bench presses....I worked my way up from light, high rep presses to a 1 rep max and back down.
I'm also throwin' down the gauntlet and challenging everyone to do the "Year End Tribute to 2010"......are ya up to the challenge?.....c'mon.....whatchya got to lose? Let me know if you want to try it and I'll fill you in on the rules.
~Feelin' Alive!~
I'm also throwin' down the gauntlet and challenging everyone to do the "Year End Tribute to 2010"......are ya up to the challenge?.....c'mon.....whatchya got to lose? Let me know if you want to try it and I'll fill you in on the rules.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Light Day and Congrats To Clients and Friends
I needed a little recovery today after yesterday's 2010 Tribute so in addition to walking the Beast twice and a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with clients, all I did was spend 30 mins on the heavy bag.
And congrats to SR for picking up the 2010 Tribute gauntlet yesterday....I am truly impressed!
Also congrats to TC for kicking butt on the ~Turkey Burn~ and getting a score that's higher than anyone's for the past 4 years (except for mine).
Now, who else thinks they can do a 2010 Tribute? Contact me for details and guidelines.
~Feelin' Alive!~
And congrats to SR for picking up the 2010 Tribute gauntlet yesterday....I am truly impressed!
Also congrats to TC for kicking butt on the ~Turkey Burn~ and getting a score that's higher than anyone's for the past 4 years (except for mine).
Now, who else thinks they can do a 2010 Tribute? Contact me for details and guidelines.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, December 27, 2010
Due to a quiet holiday schedule, I spent time today doing my Year End Tribute to 2010.
Except for the squat thrusts, all exercises were done 100 reps at a time (not necessarily non-stop) before moving to another exercise………
squats x 300
pullups x 200
KB swings x 200
SB crunches x 300
SB back extensions x 200
SB tucks x 200
SB leg curls x 200
pushups x 400
squat thrusts x 10
TOTAL = 2010 reps!
~Feelin' Alive~
Except for the squat thrusts, all exercises were done 100 reps at a time (not necessarily non-stop) before moving to another exercise………
squats x 300
pullups x 200
KB swings x 200
SB crunches x 300
SB back extensions x 200
SB tucks x 200
SB leg curls x 200
pushups x 400
squat thrusts x 10
TOTAL = 2010 reps!
~Feelin' Alive~
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Another LTR
To finish off the week, Clista and I ran/hiked Lower Table Rock this afternoon. It was a little wet, a little cold and a little breezy, but we had a fantastic time......right up until she decided to go body surfing down the gravel trail. No serious injuries, but she'll be feeling it and yet she still had a great time with tales to tell......when you run the trails like we do, it's not IF you'll ever crash and burn, it's WHEN....and she had her day.
And, of course, more idiot, inconsiderate, ignorant dog owners were there.....what a bunch of losers!
~Feelin' Alive!~
And, of course, more idiot, inconsiderate, ignorant dog owners were there.....what a bunch of losers!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Lower Table Rock
The weather was perfect for a Lower Table Rock hike today. The only problem was all the jackasses with their dogs....what a bunch of ignorant, selfish, inconsiderate, pieces of anti-social crap!! Kind of spoiled the hiking experience as well as despoiling a sensitive ecological area.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Chest, Back and Heavy Bag
Today I made time for a good workout of BB bench presses, DB flyes, weighted pullups, DB rear delt flyes and 30 mins on the heavy bag. I've been slacking off a bit on hiking.....might need to remedy that soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Beast, Jump Rope and Heavy Bag
After starting the day by walking the Beast a couple of times, I spent 30 mins doing random length intervals of jump rope and heavy bag. A good day of light active recovery.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
KBs, MBs, Heavy Bag and X-Trainer
After starting my day by taking a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with the 3 latest ~Turkey Burn~ victims, I had a fantastic workout of KB snatches and clean & presses, MB plyo presses and plyo pullovers, 1/2 hr on the heavy bag and 1/2 hr on the x-trainer.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
LTR and a Little More
In addition to walking the Beast a couple of times and taking a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with clients today, I hiked Lower Table Rock. It was an unexpectedly warm and sunny day with a strong enough wind on the plateau that I didn't want to get too close to the edge for fear of being blown off.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, December 20, 2010
100s, Heavy Bag, X-Trainer and a Good Walk
This morning I made time for a fantastic workout of 100 reps each of pullups, pushups, crunches and squats with 5 mins on the heavy bag at the beginning of the workout and after each exercise. I followed this with 30 mins on the x-trainer. Later in the afternoon I went on a good hour long walk with Clista and did a couple of short warmup/cooldown walks with a client.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Oredson-Todd, White Rabbit, Uhtoff Trails
Clista and I spent a few hours in the rain, fog and snow running/hiking the Oredson-Todd Woods, White Rabbit and Uhtoff trails above Ashland today. We burned off a lot of calories and had a great Festivus pancake feast afterward to make up for it.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Heavy Bag and Dumbbells
Another busy day, so all I made time for in addition to lots of VRAs was 30 mins on the heavy bag and several sets of DB shoulder presses and DB curls.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Beast
It was a busy day so all I managed to make time for was a couple of laps of the Beast. The reduced volume of exercise was a welcome break.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Upper Table Rock and Heavy Bag
I got my day off to a great start with an Upper Table Rock run/power hike with a client and later in the afternoon I spent 30 mins of quality time with my heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tabatas and X-Trainer
Today I did a great workout of Tabata pullups, pushups, crunches and squats with 5 mins on the x-trainer at the beginning of the workout and after each exercise.
I'm throwin' down the gauntlet! Who else is gonna give it a try? Substitute some other form of intense cardio if you don't have access to a x-trainer, and modify pullups and pushups as necessary, but keep it challenging. Are you up to the challenge?
~Feelin' Alive!~
I'm throwin' down the gauntlet! Who else is gonna give it a try? Substitute some other form of intense cardio if you don't have access to a x-trainer, and modify pullups and pushups as necessary, but keep it challenging. Are you up to the challenge?
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Lower Table Rock and a Few Walks
After walking the Beast twice with a client to get my day started, the Table Rock sirens started calling out to me. So I ran/hiked Lower Table Rock. The rain had just stopped and it was a mess, but that just made it more fun! I finished the day with a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with clients.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, December 13, 2010
A Little Variety
I pieced together a few 30 minute workouts between sessions and other work related activities today. First, 30 mins of bodyweight and weighted pullups and KB swings, followed by 30 mins on the heavy bag and finally, 30 mins on the x-trainer.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Lithia Park Run
Clista and I took a couple of the boys from her school on an hour long run in Lithia Park this afternoon. The weather couldn't have been better. Hopefully we didn't bruise their egos too badly.....LOL.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Bench Press and X-Trainer
This evening I did a good workout of heavy BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets, decline pushups and crunches. I followed this with 20 mins on the x-trainer.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, December 10, 2010
A Walk in the Park
I've definitely shifted gears this week and have kept the volume and intensity of my workouts generally lower in an effort to recover from several weeks of kicking my own butt.
This evening Clista and I spent about an hour hiking the Lithia Park trails in the dark.
~Feelin' Alive!~
This evening Clista and I spent about an hour hiking the Lithia Park trails in the dark.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, December 9, 2010
15 Rounds on the Heavy Bag
I found myself with some unexpected free time this morning so I did 15 three minute rounds (with one min rests) on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Clean & Jerks and More
Today I spent about an hour doing overhead squats, clean & jerks, front sqauts and power cleans. I'm trying to keep the exercise volume a little lower this week to aid in recovery from all the recent runs/hikes and high intensity workouts.....I might even take another day off soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
LTR and the Beast
I started my day early by walking the Beast twice with a client, followed that with a hike/run on Lower Table Rock and finished the day with a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with another client. Lots of VRAs filled out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, December 6, 2010
Pullups, Pushups and Heavy Bag
It was a fairly busy day, but I made time for 1/2 hr of pullups and ring pushups and 1/2 hr of heavy bag in addition to a couple of short warmup/cooldown walks with a client.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Roxy Ann
Today Clista and I spent a couple of hours trekking around on Roxy Ann Peak. I've ridden up the peak a couple of times on my bike, but this is the first time we've hiked the trails. Great views of the valley from up there!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, December 3, 2010
Trail run/hike #200 ..... This afternoon Clista and I went on a great hike on the Uhtoff/White Rabbit trails up on the snowy hills above Ashland. This was my 200th trail run/hike since 1/1/10.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Upper Table Rock (TR #120) and a Leg Workout
This morning I ran/hiked Upper Table Rock in the cold and pourning rain with a young client. This was my 120th Table Rock run/hike since 1/1/10 and it included a lot of walking lunges on the way up and down. Afterward, I did a workout of front squats, SLDLs and calf raises.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
A Good Back Workout
Another busy day, but I made time for a good workout of weighted chinups, DB rows, DB rear delt flyes, bodyweight pullups and hanging scapular retractin/depression.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lower Table Rock and a Chest Workout
The weather was just too nice today to resist the call of the trail so I made time to run/hike Lower Table Rock. I followed this with a quick workout of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets and ring pushups. Later I did a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with a client.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, November 29, 2010
Upper and Lower Table Rocks
I was kind of pushing my luck with daylight again today, but I managed to run/power hike both Table Rocks this afternoon/evening.
Still really need to get to some heavy lifting!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Still really need to get to some heavy lifting!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Lower Table Rock
After meeting a couple of old friends I hadn't seen in years for brunch, Clista and I ran/hiked Lower Table Rock........a nice finish to a hectic week.
Heavy lifting coming soon.....hopefully.....stay tuned........
~Feelin' Alive!~
Heavy lifting coming soon.....hopefully.....stay tuned........
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Stability Ball and Heavy Bag
I kept things fairly light again today and in addition to 30 mins on the heavy bag I did 10 circuits x 15 reps each of SB back extensions, SB tucks, SB crunches and SB leg curls.
Will try to get to some heavy lifting soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Will try to get to some heavy lifting soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, November 26, 2010
Chores and a Photoshoot
Although my only real soreness from yesterday's killer circuits was in my bis and tris, I took the day off from working out. Instead, I spent the morning and evening doing chores around the house, and the afternoon doing a photoshoot with Clista and Alek.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, November 25, 2010
~TOPFIT Turkey Burn~ and UTR
I started my Thanksgiving celebration with an Upper Table Rock run this morning and followed that with the infamous ~TOPFIT Turkey Burn~ workout with Alek (Clista's son). 5 non-stop circuits of 1 minute intervals of squat thrusts, pullups, pushups, squats, SB crunches, SB leg curls and a rest station........count and total all reps.
Hope you all had a healthy holiday!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Hope you all had a healthy holiday!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Lower Table Rock
Right before sunset this evening, Clista and I started hiking up Lower Table Rock. It was a great hike up, a beautiful sunset, a fantastic run across the plateau and a REALLY DARK hike down…….seemed like a good idea at the time.
It was actually quite awesome!
~Feelin' Alive!~
It was actually quite awesome!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
LTR and Heavy Bag
Due to cancellations today I had time to run/hike Lower Table Rock....I was really hoping for some significant snow, but all I got was cold temps and was still more than worth it. I followed this with 30 mins on the heavy bag and 1/2 mile warmup and cooldown walks with clients.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, November 22, 2010
20 Killer Minutes of Circuits and 30 mins of Heavy Bag
In addition to warmup and cooldown walks with one client and a couple of pushup challenges with another client, I also spent 30 minutes on the heavy bag. But the main event of the day was the circuits I did.....max number of circuits in 20 minutes of pullups x 5, pushups x 10 and squats x 15.....I managed 25 full circuits with a couple seconds to spare. My previous record on this workout was 22 or 23 circuits.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Jacksonville Trails
Today, Clista and I spent a couple hours running/hiking the Jacksonville trails.....a great end to a fairly busy week, or a great start to an even busier week.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Power Cleans, Chinups, Ring Pushups and Heavy Bag
It was another busy day of business, chores and errands, but I made time for a good 30 min workout of power cleans, chinups and ring pushups followed by 30 mins on the heavy bag.
And, I'm really feeling the lunges (as well as everything else) I did yesterday!
~Feelin' Alive!
And, I'm really feeling the lunges (as well as everything else) I did yesterday!
~Feelin' Alive!
Friday, November 19, 2010
A Great Leg Workout
It was kind of a busy day, but I made time for some BB front squats, SLDLs, DB stationary lunges and calf raises. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Upper Table Rock and a Back Workout
This morning I ran/hiked Upper Table Rock with a young client....he's going to be handing me my ass very soon I suspect....LOL.
This was trail run/hike #190 since January 1st.....I think I might just hit 200 in 2010.
In the evening, I did a good workout of weighted pullups, DB rows, DB rear delt flyes, bodyweight chinups and hanging scapular depression/retraction.
~Feelin' Alive!~
This was trail run/hike #190 since January 1st.....I think I might just hit 200 in 2010.
In the evening, I did a good workout of weighted pullups, DB rows, DB rear delt flyes, bodyweight chinups and hanging scapular depression/retraction.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
BBs, DBs, Rings and Medicine Balls
Today's workout consisted of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets, ring pushups and a couple of medicine ball upper body plyometric exercises in addition to the warmup/cooldown walks I took with a client.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Table Rocks and Heavy Bag
After taking a break from exercise yesterday, today I ran/hiked both Table Rocks and spent 20 mins on the heavy bag in addition to a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with a client.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, November 14, 2010
White Rabbit, Uhtoff and Alice
Today Clista and I got out in the foggy rainy weather and ran/hiked the White Rabbit, Uhtoff and Alice in Wonderland trails above Ashland. Some may have called it a dreary day, but we found it to be fantastic weather to be out on the trail!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Barbells and Kettlebells
This evening I pieced together a great workout of BB overhead squats, BB thrusters, jump pullups, KB swings, pullups and pushups......WHEW!!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Beast and Heavy Bag
Walking the Beast twice got my day started and later I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.....a fairly light day, but it seemed like enough today.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Lower Table Rock
Today was a fantastic day for a Lower Table Rock run/hike with Clista......temps in the high 40s and sunshine.....couldn't ask for anything better!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Pyramid Circuits
This afternoon I made time for a quick circuit workout of pullups, ring pushups, crunches and squats with reps of 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Table Rocks, Bench Press, Pullups and Heavy Bag
Weather be damned!! I got out in the cold, windy, wet weather and ran/hiked both Table Rocks this morning. After that I spent about 1/2 hr doing BB bench presses and weighted pullups followed by 20 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, November 8, 2010
Oly Lifts and Lower Table Rock
I got a good workout of snatches, power snatches and power cleans before heading out for my first session this morning. Later in the afternoon, I ran/hiked Lower Table Rock....cold temps, rain, wind....but an awesome hike!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Jacksonville Trails and Heavy Bag
I got my day started with 20 mins on the heavy bag and in the afternoon Clista and I hiked/ran the J-ville trails....the weather started out nice, but by the time we were done, we were soaked.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Leg Workout
It was a busy day of work and chores, but I made time for a good leg workout of BB squats, SLDLS, DB stationary lunges and calf raises. Haven't done a workout like that in awhile.....I should be feeling something tomorrow.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, November 5, 2010
Lithia Park
After a busy day, Clista and I did a 1.5 hr hike on the Lithia Park running this time, just a nice brisk hike.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Jacksonville Trails and More Upper Body Resistance
After taking a rest day yesterday, I hit if fairly hard today with a 1 hr run on the Jacksonville Trails followed by a good resistance training workout of DB rows, weighted pullups, body rows on the rings, DB rear delt flyes and bodyweight chinups.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Beast, LTR and Weight Lifting
I got the day started by walking the Beast twice with Becki and followed this with a good run/hike on Lower Table Rock. Later I did BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets, decline pushups and ring pushups. I finished the evening with a warmup and cooldown walk (1/2 mile each) with Scott and even squeezed in 20 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, November 1, 2010
Upper and Lower Table Rocks
Just couldn't ask for better weather today, so after my last client I ran/hiked both Table Rocks. Gotta get to some heavy lifting soon.....
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Upper Table Rock and Heavy Bag
Today, I hiked/ran Upper Table Rock with Clista and Alek (her son)......the weather was fantastic, although the trail was pretty muddy is spots.
Later I spent 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Later I spent 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Bodyweight Circuits
I kept today a little on the light side with a couple of bodyweight circuits. First, several circuits of handstand pushups, lunges and crunches. Second, several circuits of pullups, ring pushups and squats.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, October 29, 2010
Upper Table Rock
I stayed fairly busy most of the day but did make time to hike Upper Table Rock with Clista this evening. Mt. McLaughlin was lit up beautifully and the sunset was great.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lower Table Rock (TR #100) and a Day of 100s
Today was a day of 100s. I did my 100th Table Rock run/hike since 1/1/10 and to celebrate that accomplishment, I did 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 crunches and 100 squats.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Just a Little Heavy Bag
I kinda took it easy today and the only real activity I got was 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
TRs and a Light Workout
I got the day off to a good start by runnng/hiking both Table's definitely the start of the cold, wet, muddy season. Later I spent about 1/2 hr doing BB overhead squats, BB thrusters, pullups and ring pushups.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Heavy Bag and X-Trainer
Today was a good day to stay inside and spend some time on the heavy bag and x-trainer. Unfortunately, I did have to go out in the rain and clear some clogged and overflowing gutters and downspouts.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, October 23, 2010
More BTI and Where The Hell Are We?
Spent several hours today with Clista exploring many trails in the hills above Ashland. Turned out to be absolutely perfect weather for it. It was fun to see where some trails went that we have been curious about, and find that so many connect to familiar places. Many mysteries solved, but so many more to explore!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Beast, Heavy Bag, Abs and a Photoshoot
I started my day by walking the Beast with Becki followed by a good workout of heavy bag and ab work (SB oblique crunches and hanging reverse crunches/curl ups). In the afternoon I did a photoshoot with Clista in my gym which turned into a killer 2 hr full body workout of box jumps, snatches, clean & jerks, deadlifts (standard and sumo), BB bench presses, pullups, chinups, ring pushups, KB swings, DB curls, DB french presses, ring dips and a few other various odd lifts and exercises.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Upper Table Rock and Full Body Weight Training
This morning I ran/hiked Upper Table Rock followed by a great workout of front squats, bench presses and weighted pullups. In the evening I did a few short brisk walks which included some walking lunges with a client.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lower Table Rock With Friends
This morning I hiked/ran Lower Table Rock with Clista and a group of other friends. Clista and I ran all out on the plateau and we both set PRs.....just under 7 mins for Clista and just under 6 mins for me on the way back.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, October 18, 2010
Making Up For Being So Lazy This Weekend
Thinking it was going to be a really busy day, I squeezed in 1/2 hr of snatches, power snatches and clean & jerks this morning. Then a client had to cancel at the last minute and it opened up a chunk of time…, I ran the J-ville trails for about 1.5 hrs. This time when I did Liz’s Trail, when I got to the Loop I did both the “guaranteed burn” direction and the “optional hurl” direction. Then, since I still had some time left, I spent more time doing yard work. In the evening, I wound down with a few rounds on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Another Light Day
The day was so full of household chores, files and paperwork, lawn and garden chores, etc, etc, etc, I didn't get to a workout, but I did tackle the yard work kinda hard, so I guess that counts.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Light Day
The day was pretty full of work related activities and home related chores, but I did spend 1/2 hr on the heavy bag, took a brisk 1+ mile walk with Clista and spent a few hours playing with Hailey. A good, well-rounded day of light activity.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, October 15, 2010
BTI and Where The Hell Are We?
This evening Clista and I ran/hiked the BTI trail and a few un-named trails in the same area that we had no idea where they went. We pushed our luck a bit and got back to the car just before it was completely dark.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bike, Bench and Rows
Still breaking out of slacker mode today........I walked the Beast twice, went on an hour long bike ride and spent about 1/2 hr supersetting BB bench presses and DB rows.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Jacksonville Trails and Deadlifts
Today, I ran the Jacksonville trails for about 1.5 hrs and after that spent about 1/2 hr doing deadlifts (standard and sumo). Also did several short but brisk walks with a client in the evening.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Table Rocks and Lots of Walking
Still kind of in recovery mode today, so instead of running both TRs, I just hiked them with a couple of friends. A couple of walks with clients and friends, in addition to lots of VRAs filled out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, October 11, 2010
After all the activity last week, I thought I'd kinda take it easy all I've done is go on a nice hour long bike ride and wash my car. Still feel like I have more energy, but I know I need to let my body recover.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, October 10, 2010
White Rabbit, Uhtoff, Caterpillar, Toothpick............
Clista's and my plan was for a moderate length, moderate intensity hike along the White Rabbit and Uhtoff trails. The reality was around 10 miles of White Rabbit, Uhtoff, Caterpillar and Toothpick trails and a long walk down Tollman Cr. Rd. and back up Park St.
That's still considered a "light" day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
That's still considered a "light" day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, October 9, 2010
A Lighter Day
Today I kept things a little lighter. A friend came over for a workout and in addition to our wamrup (1+ mile) and cooldown (1/2 mile) brisk walks, we did 5 circuits of pullups x 15, pushups x 15, lunges x 10/leg, SB leg curls x 15 and SB crunches x 20.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, October 8, 2010
Sharing The Pain and the Jacksonville Trails
Sharing The Pain
As you all know, I like to share the pain with my clients and today a client turned the tables on me…….
I have a client (60 yr old man) who a couple of months ago could barely do 5 standard pushups and it was a major strain to do even that. Today, I had him do 5 circuits that included 15 reps of pushups on each circuit. At the end of it I told him if he did 30 more pushups he would beat his previous record of 101 during a workout. To up the ante a bit, I told him that whatever he did non-stop, I’d double it myself…..he countered with having me triple it……so, figuring he would be lucky to do 15 or 20 reps non-stop, I took him up on it…….seemed like a good idea at the time. Well, he did 30…..I was worried, but I got down and did 91….barely. Then he challenged me again to the same deal…..of course, I figured that he would be tired by that point and be lucky to do 15-20….but noooooooo…….he did 31. OH, CRAP!!! Now I had to do 93 to triple him…….I did it… fact I did 95......barely, and I was shaking like crazy.
He took great joy in my pain.
In the evening, Clista and I hiked and ran the J-ville trails.
~Feelin' Alive!~
As you all know, I like to share the pain with my clients and today a client turned the tables on me…….
I have a client (60 yr old man) who a couple of months ago could barely do 5 standard pushups and it was a major strain to do even that. Today, I had him do 5 circuits that included 15 reps of pushups on each circuit. At the end of it I told him if he did 30 more pushups he would beat his previous record of 101 during a workout. To up the ante a bit, I told him that whatever he did non-stop, I’d double it myself…..he countered with having me triple it……so, figuring he would be lucky to do 15 or 20 reps non-stop, I took him up on it…….seemed like a good idea at the time. Well, he did 30…..I was worried, but I got down and did 91….barely. Then he challenged me again to the same deal…..of course, I figured that he would be tired by that point and be lucky to do 15-20….but noooooooo…….he did 31. OH, CRAP!!! Now I had to do 93 to triple him…….I did it… fact I did 95......barely, and I was shaking like crazy.
He took great joy in my pain.
In the evening, Clista and I hiked and ran the J-ville trails.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The Punisher x 2 -- Damn You Todd
A few weeks ago Todd (the guy who first showed me the Punisher) did it twice back-to-back. Well, as soon as he told me, I knew I had to do it too. Today was the epic day......damn you Todd for throwing down the double-Punisher gauntlet. I may not have set any records (close on the first circuit), but I did it!!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Heavy Bag and Bike
Today was kind of a light early start with 1/2 hr on the heavy bag and a 1 hr bike ride squeezed in between sessions this afternoon......pretty much an active recovery day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Lower Table Rock and Oly Lifts
I got today’s activities kicked off with a hike up Lower Table Rock with Becki and then a good workout of snatches, power snatches, cleans and power cleans.
In the evening I walked Elmo twice. Not a bad day of activity.
~Feelin’ Alive!~
In the evening I walked Elmo twice. Not a bad day of activity.
~Feelin’ Alive!~
Monday, October 4, 2010
Heavy Bag, Table Rocks and More Heavy Bag
I got my day off to an early start with 30 mins on the heavy bag and after client sessions and taking care of business, I ran/hiked (mostly ran) both Table Rocks…..I even tied my record time going up LTR (19:41). Later I spent another 30 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin’ Alive!~
~Feelin’ Alive!~
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Grizzly Peak
Clista and I ran/hiked Grizzly Peak again today......this was followed by a fantastic dinner of grilled steak, stir fried chard and doesn't get much better than this!!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, October 1, 2010
Lower Table Rock
After being closed for maintenance for a week, the Lower Table Rock trail is open, Clista and I ran/hiked it this evening. The trail looks good, although I will kinda miss the obstacle course of rocks and ruts in places...LOL.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Walking, Biking and Heavy Bag
After taking a much needed rest yesterday, I started today with a 3+ mile walk with a client followed by an hour long bike ride and 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Jacksonville Trails, Back Workout and Lots of Walking
I had another great 1.5 hr trail run on the J-Ville Trails this morning, followed by a good workout of DB rows, weighted pullups, DB rear delt flyes, chinups and hanging scapular depression/retraction. Later, in addition to lots of VRAs, I had some good walks with a client and Clista.
~Feein' Alive!~
~Feein' Alive!~
Monday, September 27, 2010
Upper Table Rock and a Chest Workout
Even though it was 90 degrees today, I could still hear the Table Rocks calling me. So I ran Upper Table Rock......the first lap wasn't too bad considering the heat, but the second lap kicked my ass.....and got a few strange looks from people.
And because my upper body was feeling a little bit left out, I followed the run with a workout of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets and steep angle decline pushups.
~Feelin' Alive!~
And because my upper body was feeling a little bit left out, I followed the run with a workout of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets and steep angle decline pushups.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, September 26, 2010
SOB Re-Do Plus A Little Extra
Today, Clista and I re-ran/hiked the SOB route that we did in July's race and actually added a couple of miles to it for a total of 11+ miles.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Bike and Heavy Bag
Today was a moderate day of basically aerobic activity. In the afternoon, I went on a good 1+ hr bike ride and in the evening I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag. A few chores around the house added to the day's activities.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, September 24, 2010
Lithia Park
This afternoon Clista and I spent about an hour running the trails in Lithia Park. After a fantastic stir fry dinner, we went on a short walk. Lot's of VRAs rounded out the day nicely again.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Upper Table Rock
It seems that the Lower Table Rock trail is closed for a week or two for maintenance, so I only ran Upper Table Rock today. I also managed a nice walk with Clista and lots of VRAs to help round out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Yard Work and Pyramid Circuits
My long neglected yard finally got the attention it needed this afternoon with about 1.5 hrs of intense work. In the evening, I did circuits of 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 reps of pullups, ring pushups, crunches and squats.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Jacksonville Trails and Upper Body Resistance
The temperature was just perfect today for a great 1.5 hr run on the Jacksonville Trails. I followed this with an upper body workout of weighted pullups, BB bench press, chinups and ring pushups. Several walks with clients and lots of VRAs helped make it a very active day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, September 20, 2010
It was kind of a light the evening I did a moderate intensity workout of KB swings, KB snatches, KB clean & presses and ring pullups.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Table Rocks, Heavy Bag and Stability Ball
I got a good start to my day by running/power hiking (mostly running) both Table Rocks followed by 30 mins on the heavy bag and a great workout of SB tucks, SB back extensions, SB crunches and SB leg curls.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Between business and chores it turned into a pretty busy day, but I did make time for 30 mins on the x-trainer. A little lighter on the activity than I had planned, but it will have to do for today.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, September 17, 2010
Heavy Bag and Table Rocks
After taking a much needed day off from exercise yesterday, this morning I got up early enough to spend 30 mins of quality time with my heavy bag and this afternoon I ran/power hiked both Table Rocks.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bike and Heavy Bag
Today was a great day for a 1+ hr bike ride and 20 mins of heavy bag......nothing too intense, but lot's of activity.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Table Rocks, Walking and Lot's of VRAs
It was another great day to run/power hike the Table Rocks. In addition to doing this, I went on several brisk walks with Clista and a couple of clients (for a total of about 3 miles), plus there were lots of VRAs to make it a pretty active day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tabatas and Heavy Bag
I was a little short on time today so I decided to do a quick workout of Tabatas to take advantage of the time I had. I did Tabata pullups, pushups, crunches, squats and burpees. In the evening, I found time to spend 30 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
White Rabbit, Uhtoff and Blackberry Pie
Today, Clista and I ran/hiked the White Rabbit and Uhtoff trails above Ashland. The Uhtoff trail is fairly new and we hadn't run it before, but I think it could become one of our favorites.
Afterward, we (mostly Clista) picked wild blackberries and she made me the BEST blackberry pie I've ever had.....YUMMY!!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Afterward, we (mostly Clista) picked wild blackberries and she made me the BEST blackberry pie I've ever had.....YUMMY!!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, September 11, 2010
X-Trainer, Heavy Bag, Dumbbells and Rings
It was a real mixed bag of activity today. I started with 20 mins on the x-trainer, followed by 20 mins on the heavy bag, then about 30 mins of DB shoulder presses, DB curls and ring dips. Lots of VRAs helped make it a pretty active day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Friday, September 10, 2010
Plyos, Walking and VRAs
This afternoon I did a great upper and lower body plyo workout with lots of various box jumps, jumps in place and medicine ball exercises. In the evening, Clista and I went on a brisk 1+ mile walk. Lots of VRAs added to the day's activities.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Heavy Lifting and Heavy Bag
I did a great full body resistance training workout today consisting of BB front squats, BB bench presses and weighted pullups. Afterward I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Rest Day
Even though I have had a few active recovery days, it's been far too long since I had a total rest, I took today off from exercise.
~Feelin' Alive!~ (and just a little lazy)
~Feelin' Alive!~ (and just a little lazy)
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Table Rocks
Had a great run/hike on both Table Rocks again today. The weather was great, and I just barely stayed ahead of the rain.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, September 6, 2010
Kettlebells and Heavy Bag
I pieced together a great workout today of KB swings, KB snatches, pullups, ring pushups and 30 mins on the heavy bag.....a nice light workout to close out the summer.
~Feelin' Alive!~
What next? How about a great trail run or hike.......
~Feelin' Alive!~
What next? How about a great trail run or hike.......
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Wagner Butte and Heavy Bag
Today I ran/power hiked (mostly ran) Wagner Butte….2200 ft elev gain (topping out at 7200 feet) in just under 5 miles. Plus, since my upper body still wasn’t as worn out as my lower body, I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Today I did a quick workout I call the TOPFIT 400......100 reps each of chinups (usually do pullups), pushups, squats and crunches. All in all, kind of a light day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, September 3, 2010
Heavy Bag
The only thing I made time for today was a 15 round bout with the heavy bag....3 min rounds with 1 min rests. It ended in a split decision....the bag is still hanging and I'm still standing.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Table Rocks and Some Yard Work
For the second time this week, I ran/hiked both Table Rocks today. I also made time for some long overdue yard work.....not a bad day of activity.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Front Squats and SLDLs
I didn't have a lot of energy today (physical or mental), but I did mangage a workout of front squats and SLDLs in addition to a couple of short walks with a client.....that's gonna have to do it for today.
~Feelin' Alive!~ (sort of....LOL)
~Feelin' Alive!~ (sort of....LOL)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Table Rocks and a Back Workout
I got my day started off with running/hiking the Table Rocks again today and in the evening, after walking Elmo twice with clients, I did a good workout of weighted chinups, DB rows, DB rear delt flyes, pullups and hanging scapular depression/retraction.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, August 30, 2010
Chest Workout
It's been a somewhat busy day, but I did make time for a quick chest workout of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets and ring pushups.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Jacksonville Trails
After I took yesterday off from most activity, today Clista and I spent a couple of hours running and hiking the Jacksonville trails. Later, I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mount Ashland Meadows
Went on a great hike this afternoon on the Mt. Ashland Meadows portion of the PCT with Clista and several of the girls from her school. Lots of great views and the wildflowers are still in bloom! Might be time to actually take a break tomorrow and let my body recover a bit.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Punisher -- Again? -- Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me!
I started the day by walking the Beast twice with Becki and then, since I was so active yesterday, I thought I'd take it easy today. But NOOOOOOO......the seductive Sirens lured me to the Punisher again. I did kinda take it easy and didn't try to run up it and I just did a light jog on the way down.
In the evening, I went on a good 1+ mile walk with Clista.
Plus, lots of VRAs, of course.
~Feelin' Alive!~
In the evening, I went on a good 1+ mile walk with Clista.
Plus, lots of VRAs, of course.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Birthday Workout
Early this morning before it heated up, I did my Birthday Workout! Four circuits of KB swings, squat thrusts, pullups, ring pushups, SB crunches and SB leg curls. The reps on the four circuits was my age and my birthdate (52, 8, 25, 58).
Normally because of the high number of reps, I do modified pullups and standard pushups in this workout, but this year I decided to add some difficulty to the workout and did standard pullups and ring pushups…....seemed like a good idea at the time.
Later when my gym heated up to 110 degrees, I spend 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
I completed my pushup challenge ahead of time a couple of weeks ago and did double my age non-stop (plus one extra for a total... of 105).
~Feelin' Alive!~
Normally because of the high number of reps, I do modified pullups and standard pushups in this workout, but this year I decided to add some difficulty to the workout and did standard pullups and ring pushups…....seemed like a good idea at the time.
Later when my gym heated up to 110 degrees, I spend 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
I completed my pushup challenge ahead of time a couple of weeks ago and did double my age non-stop (plus one extra for a total... of 105).
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Light Activity
Today I kept things light with 2 laps of the Beast, 30 mins on the heavy bag and 2 laps of Elmo......a nice active recovery day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hobart Bluff and Soda Mountain
Clista and I had a fantastic afternoon on the trails. We hiked up to Hobart Bluff (the Bonsai Gardens) and up to the Soda Mountain lookout. Great weather for it too!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chest Workout and Heavy Bag
This afternoon I did a good workout of barbell bench presses, dumbbell bench press & flye supersets, upper body medicine ball plyos and steep angle decline pushups. The plan was to do some papaerwork and chores after that, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it so I spent 30 mins of quality time with my heavy bag instead.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, August 20, 2010
Snatches and a Little More
Today I did a great workout of snatches, power snatches, power cleans, front squats, 1 arm kettlebell swings and pullups.....haven't done some of those exercises in quite awhile and it felt fantastic!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Table Rocks and Recovery
Today I did both Table Rocks order to help with the necessary recovery from doing the Punisher twice in 4 days, I only power hiked up, but I did run down both of them and ran across the LTR plateau. Lots of VRAs rounded out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Punisher -- Again
Did the Punisher again this evening.....this time with a young man (15 yrs old) who is leaving the valley soon. I gotta say that he did awesome, but this old man was still able to show the young Irish lad how the Scottish do things (barely).
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Lighter Day
I kept things a little lighter today and started off by walking the Beast once followed by 30 mins on the heavy bag, walked Elmo twice, took a 1+ mile walk with Clista and threw in a few VRAs to make it an active, but not too intense day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Monday, August 16, 2010
I got my morning off to a good start with a workout of Tabata chinups, Tabata ring pushups, Tabata crunches and Tabata squats with 5 mins of heavy bag at the beginning, end and between each exercise. I got out in the heat of the afternoon to mow the lawn and along with lots of other VRAs I had a pretty active day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Punisher
I awoke to the call of the Sirens again this morning. This time they lured me to the Punisher where they had their way with me for over ½ hour and left me as carrion for the buzzards at the top.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Heavy Bag, Intervals and Chores
After taking yesterday off for a recovery day, I got today started early with 30 mins on the heavy bag in the morning and later in the afternoon spent another 30 mins doing intervals of handstand pushups, pullups, ring pushups, kettlebell swings and was over 100 deg in my gym so I had to keep the intensity moderate, but it was still a good workout. Then I spent a couple of hours catching up on chores inside where it was a nice, cool 80 degrees.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Table Rocks and a Long Walk
The Table Rocks were calling me again today......I power hiked up and ran down both of them plus ran the LTR plateau. In the evening, we went on a long brisk walk, plus lots of VRAs made it into a fairly active day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Heavy Bag and Bike
I kept things a little lighter today to recover from yesterday's high level of the morning I spent 1/2 hour on the heavy bag, in the afternoon I made time to wash the Chemult pumice dust off my car and in the evening Clista and I went on a great bike ride to Bear Creek Park and listened to a little of the concert.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
105 Pushups, Table Rocks, and Lots More
I got my day started by hitting my 104 non-stop rep pushup goal ahead of schedule and actually did an extra to make it 105. Then, after having Becki and her son Tyler do a quick upper body workout, we all went on a 3+ mile brisk walk ending in a backwards walk up the Beast. After that I did both Table Rocks again (80% running). A couple of laps of Elmo and lots of VRAs completed the day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Monday, August 9, 2010
Bench Presses, Pullups and Heavy Bag
After yesterday's six and a half hour calorie burn activity fest, I slowed it down a little today and just spent 30 mins doing bench presses and weighted pullups in the afternoon and 20 mins on the heavy bag in the evening.....just right for a little active recovery.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Miller, Maidu and Lucille Lakes
Clista and I spent the day in my old stompin' grounds in the Chemult area. We hiked around Miller Lake and then continued up the trail to Maidu Lake and Lucille Lake, covering over 15 miles. Other than the swarms of huge mosquitoes that tried to carry us off, it was a great day of activity!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Light Day
After taking a break from exercise yesterday, I made today a light day and only spent 30 mins on the heavy bag and went on a brisk 1+ mile walk with Clista.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Beast, Table Rocks, Circuits and More
After walking the Beast 4 times this morning, I power hiked the Table Rocks again including running the LTR plateau. After this, I did circuits of pullups (modified), pushups, squats, SB leg curls and SB crunches for 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 reps. Lots of VRAs helped round out the day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Yard Work and a Concert
Had a more relaxed day today. I spent about an hour doing yard work in the afternoon and in the evening Clista and I rode our bikes to the park to listen to "One Horse Shy".
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Table Rocks and a Back Workout
This morning I got out and power hiked both Table Rocks and ran the LTR plateau.....only had to break stride once to let a snake cross the trail. Soon after getting back, I did a good back workout of weighted chinups, 1 arm high cable rows, DB rear delt rows and bodyweight pullups. This was all in addition to walking the Beast and Elmo twice each and lots of VRAs.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Strength Training and Some TLC & SMR for the ITB & TFL
The only thing I made time for today was a good chest/delt workout of BB bench presses, supersets of DB flyes and presses, DB shoulder presses and ring pushups. I'm itching to do some leg work, but I've developed some ITB and TFL issues that need addressing. I'm hoping to do some light hiking and possibly some light running soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Float Like A Butterfly and Sting Like A Bee
I watched a video of the '66 Cassius Clay/Cleveland Williams fight this afternoon and it got me all worked up to do an 'old school' pro boxing match with my heavy bag......15 three minute rounds with one minute rests...complete with all the fancy footwork Clay was famous for....LOL.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Ostrich Peak
Clista and I spent about 3 hours hiking the trails above Ashland today. This was in the Ostrich Peak area. A little confusion finding the trailhead, but a fantastic hike after that.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
What are you waiting for?
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Heavy Bag and Chores
This morning I made time for 20 mins on the heavy bag and in the afternoon I spent some time doing upper body medicine ball plyos, plus I worked on some equipment maintenance...and that was a workout in itself. Sometimes the most mundane chores can really add up to a lot of activity.
What have you done to stay active?
~Feelin' Alive!~
What have you done to stay active?
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Beast, Chores and Heavy Bag
After walking the Beast 4 times with clients and taking care of business this morning, it was a day full of chores which I tackled as if they were a workout. Then I made time this afternoon for 20 minutes on the heavy bag. All in all, a fairly active and productive day!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Anaerobic Training
Since yesterday was mostly about aerobic training, today was mostly about anaerobic training. In the morning I did BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets, DB shoulder presses and ring pushups. In the afternoon I did weighted chinups, bodyweight pullups, DB rear delt flyes and hanging scapular depression/retraction. In the evening I added in a bike ride with Clista to round out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Beast and Bike and More
The day got off to a good start by walking the Beast 4 times with clients followed by an hour long bike ride, 20 mins on the heavy bag, 2 laps of Elmo and lots of VRAs.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Monday, July 26, 2010
Yesterday and Today
After taking a well deserved break on Saturday, I found time on Sunday to hike the Lithia Park trails for a couple hours with Clista. Plus, lots of VRAs to make it a fairly active day.
Today I started with an hour long bike ride in the morning and then a couple of hours of heavy yard work in the afternoon....dang it's hot out there!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Today I started with an hour long bike ride in the morning and then a couple of hours of heavy yard work in the afternoon....dang it's hot out there!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Friday, July 23, 2010
Heavy Bag and Pushups
Another busy day today and all I found time for was about 1/2 hour on the heavy bag and some pushups. For the pushups I tried to get a little ahead on my yearly goal of doing double my age in reps during the year between my birthdays. I attempted to do 104 pushups today a month ahead of schedule (I turn 52 on 8/25) but only made it to 102 before hitting complete failure and arm collapse. Even though I might not have gotten ahead on my 52 yr old goal, I did prove to myself again that I could hit my 51 yr old goal.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Beast, Lunges, Circuits, Cleaning, Bike and More!......WHEW!.....Busy Day!
The day started by walking the Beast 4 times with clients including lots of lunges up the hill on the last lap. A little later, I did a great workout of 5 circuits of handstand pushups x 5, pullups x 10, KB swings x 15, crunches x 20. After that, I gave Gymratz Weightroom (my gym) a good cleaning and later Clista and I went on an hour long bike ride. And of course lots of other VRAs to make it a busy and active day. And somehow I even managed to find time for clients and office work.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Heavy Bag and Recovery
It seems that yesterday's activities took a lot out of me and I needed a recovery day, so I only spent 1/2 hour on the heavy bag today and took a short walk with Clista.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Beast, Lunges, Table Rocks and Elmo
After walking the Beast 4 times and doing 200+ lunges with clients this morning, I ran/hiked both Table Rocks. As usual, I ran all the way down both of them and ran the Lower Table Rock Plateau out and back, but this time I needed something different on the way up so I power hiked the less steep parts and sprinted up the steeper parts. Later I walked Elmo a couple of times and added in lots of VRAs to round out the day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Efficiency Workout
My overall workout motivation level was kinda low today, but I did manage to do an efficiency workout of some front squats, bench presses and weighted pullups......better than nuttin'.
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
Wagner Butte
Clista and I had a great time hiking and running up (and yes, down too) Wagner Butte this afternoon. The wildflowers were out in force and the views were awesome!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Saturday, July 17, 2010
It was a busy day, but I made time for a quick workout in my 108 deg gym.....100 reps each of chinups, ring pushups, SB crunches and squats. Lots of VRAs rounded out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Table Rocks
I was going to avoid the Table Rocks this week to give my legs a break, but the call of the Sirens was just too great. So, I ran/power hiked them both today (mostly ran). And when you hear the sound of a rattle snake, there is no mistaking it for anything else......I didn't stick around to see how big it was.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Takin' It Easy
Took it a little easy today and started the day walking the Beast a couple times with a client, then I got out in the hot sun and washed my car. In the evening, Clista and I rode our bikes to the park for a concert. Nothing too intense, just some good moderate activity.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Even More Active Recovery
Still in that active recovery mode today. Started with a 2.5 hour, 7+ mile hike with Becki this morning, then a good workout of weighted pullups, high cable rows, chinups, rear delt flyes and hanging scap retraction/depression. I finished the day by walking Elmo a couple of times.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Monday, July 12, 2010
More Active Recovery
More active recovery today with 30 mins on the heavy bag in the morning and a workout of BB bench presses, supersets of DB flyes and presses, ring pushups and decline pushups in the afternoon. Plus lots of VRAs to make the day complete.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A Little Active Recovery
After yesterday's SOB, both Clista and I felt the need for a little active recovery. So we hiked the Jacksonville trails for almost 2 hours.
Lots of VRAs filled out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Lots of VRAs filled out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Saturday, July 10, 2010
Siskiyou Out Back
I finished 5th in my age/gender group and 82nd overall in the 2010 SOB 15k Trail Run. This is the first running competition I've ever entered and finished in 1 hour 35 mins. And congrats to Clista for competing in her first competition and finishing 7th in her age/gender group.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Too Busy?
Time seems to be the excuse everyone uses when they don’t eat right or exercise, but if you don’t find time to do it now, you’ll really come up short on time at the end of your life. Find the time now to get healthy and stay healthy, and you’ll more than make up for it by living a longer and/or more functional life.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Heat Be Damned!
Heat be damned! Sure it was almost 100 deg outside, but the bike path beckoned and I just had to get out on an hour long bike ride. I followed this with about 20 mins of pullups, pushups, crunches and heavy bag in my 108 deg gym (with the help of lots of ice water).
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Monday, July 5, 2010
Heavy Bag and Walking
Both because of available time and needing some recovery, I only made time for 35 mins on the heavy bag, good warmup and cooldown walks with a client and a 1+ mile walk with Clista today.........seemed just right.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Sunday, July 4, 2010
Grizzly Peak x 2
"Instead of running Grizzly Peak once today, let's hike it twice", she said. So, in order to work on endurance more than intensity, Clista and I did just that and racked up 10 miles of hiking with some downhill running. "Seemed like a good idea at the time."
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Friday, July 2, 2010
Heavy Bag and Lithia Park
I kept today's workouts somewhat moderate with 1/2 hr on the heavy bag followed by a hike with Clista on the Lithia Park trails. All part of the SOB readiness plan.
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010
The Beast, Circuits and Bike
After walking the Beast twice this morning and having a close encounter with a skunk, I had a great workout of modified pullups (body rows), pushups, squats, SB crunches and SB leg curls -- 20 reps each x 5 circuits. In the evening, Clista and I went on a brisk bike ride for about an hour.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The TRs
Since I'm still a bit in rest and recovery mode, I didn't run the Table Rocks today......I just power hiked them both and even took some time to take some cool pics.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
A Little More Upper Body Workout
Still giving the lower body a little bit of a break from the high intensity stuff today so after walking the Beast 4 times and going on a good hour long bike ride I stimulated the upper body some more with a workout of BB bench presses, supersets of DB flyes/DB presses, decline pushups and crunches.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at for more information.
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- So Long 2010, Hello 2011
- The Beast, Upper Table Rock and Pullups
- Bench Press
- A Light Day and Congrats To Clients and Friends
- Another LTR
- Lower Table Rock
- Chest, Back and Heavy Bag
- The Beast, Jump Rope and Heavy Bag
- KBs, MBs, Heavy Bag and X-Trainer
- LTR and a Little More
- 100s, Heavy Bag, X-Trainer and a Good Walk
- Oredson-Todd, White Rabbit, Uhtoff Trails
- Heavy Bag and Dumbbells
- The Beast
- Upper Table Rock and Heavy Bag
- Tabatas and X-Trainer
- Lower Table Rock and a Few Walks
- A Little Variety
- Lithia Park Run
- Bench Press and X-Trainer
- A Walk in the Park
- 15 Rounds on the Heavy Bag
- Clean & Jerks and More
- LTR and the Beast
- Pullups, Pushups and Heavy Bag
- Roxy Ann
- #200
- Upper Table Rock (TR #120) and a Leg Workout
- A Good Back Workout
- Lower Table Rock and a Chest Workout
- Upper and Lower Table Rocks
- Lower Table Rock
- Stability Ball and Heavy Bag
- Chores and a Photoshoot
- ~TOPFIT Turkey Burn~ and UTR
- Lower Table Rock
- LTR and Heavy Bag
- 20 Killer Minutes of Circuits and 30 mins of Heavy...
- Jacksonville Trails
- Power Cleans, Chinups, Ring Pushups and Heavy Bag
- A Great Leg Workout
- Upper Table Rock and a Back Workout
- BBs, DBs, Rings and Medicine Balls
- Table Rocks and Heavy Bag
- White Rabbit, Uhtoff and Alice
- Barbells and Kettlebells
- The Beast and Heavy Bag
- Lower Table Rock
- Pyramid Circuits
- Table Rocks, Bench Press, Pullups and Heavy Bag
- Oly Lifts and Lower Table Rock
- Jacksonville Trails and Heavy Bag
- Leg Workout
- Lithia Park
- Jacksonville Trails and More Upper Body Resistance
- The Beast, LTR and Weight Lifting
- Upper and Lower Table Rocks
- Upper Table Rock and Heavy Bag
- Bodyweight Circuits
- Upper Table Rock
- Lower Table Rock (TR #100) and a Day of 100s
- Just a Little Heavy Bag
- TRs and a Light Workout
- Heavy Bag and X-Trainer
- More BTI and Where The Hell Are We?
- The Beast, Heavy Bag, Abs and a Photoshoot
- Upper Table Rock and Full Body Weight Training
- Lower Table Rock With Friends
- Making Up For Being So Lazy This Weekend
- Another Light Day
- Light Day
- BTI and Where The Hell Are We?
- Bike, Bench and Rows
- Jacksonville Trails and Deadlifts
- Table Rocks and Lots of Walking
- Recovery
- White Rabbit, Uhtoff, Caterpillar, Toothpick.........
- A Lighter Day
- Sharing The Pain and the Jacksonville Trails
- The Punisher x 2 -- Damn You Todd
- Heavy Bag and Bike
- Lower Table Rock and Oly Lifts
- Heavy Bag, Table Rocks and More Heavy Bag
- Grizzly Peak
- Lower Table Rock
- Walking, Biking and Heavy Bag
- Jacksonville Trails, Back Workout and Lots of Walking
- Upper Table Rock and a Chest Workout
- SOB Re-Do Plus A Little Extra
- Bike and Heavy Bag
- Lithia Park
- Upper Table Rock
- Yard Work and Pyramid Circuits
- Jacksonville Trails and Upper Body Resistance
- Kettlebells
- Table Rocks, Heavy Bag and Stability Ball
- X-Trainer
- Heavy Bag and Table Rocks
- Bike and Heavy Bag
- Table Rocks, Walking and Lot's of VRAs
- Tabatas and Heavy Bag
- White Rabbit, Uhtoff and Blackberry Pie
- X-Trainer, Heavy Bag, Dumbbells and Rings
- Plyos, Walking and VRAs
- Heavy Lifting and Heavy Bag
- Rest Day
- The Table Rocks
- Kettlebells and Heavy Bag
- Wagner Butte and Heavy Bag
- TOPFIT 400
- Heavy Bag
- The Table Rocks and Some Yard Work
- Front Squats and SLDLs
- The Table Rocks and a Back Workout
- Chest Workout
- Jacksonville Trails
- Mount Ashland Meadows
- The Punisher -- Again? -- Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me!
- Birthday Workout
- Light Activity
- Table Rocks
- Hobart Bluff and Soda Mountain
- Chest Workout and Heavy Bag
- Snatches and a Little More
- Table Rocks and Recovery
- The Punisher -- Again
- A Lighter Day
- Tabatas
- The Punisher
- Heavy Bag, Intervals and Chores
- Table Rocks and a Long Walk
- Heavy Bag and Bike
- 105 Pushups, Table Rocks, and Lots More
- Bench Presses, Pullups and Heavy Bag
- Miller, Maidu and Lucille Lakes
- Light Day
- The Beast, Table Rocks, Circuits and More
- Yard Work and a Concert
- Table Rocks and a Back Workout
- Strength Training and Some TLC & SMR for the ITB &...
- Float Like A Butterfly and Sting Like A Bee
- Ostrich Peak
- Heavy Bag and Chores
- The Beast, Chores and Heavy Bag
- Anaerobic Training
- The Beast and Bike and More
- Yesterday and Today
- Heavy Bag and Pushups
- The Beast, Lunges, Circuits, Cleaning, Bike and Mo...
- Heavy Bag and Recovery
- The Beast, Lunges, Table Rocks and Elmo
- Efficiency Workout
- Wagner Butte
- 100s
- Table Rocks
- Takin' It Easy
- Even More Active Recovery
- More Active Recovery
- A Little Active Recovery
- Siskiyou Out Back
- Too Busy?
- Heat Be Damned!
- Heavy Bag and Walking
- Grizzly Peak x 2
- Heavy Bag and Lithia Park
- The Beast, Circuits and Bike
About Your Trainer

- Medford, OR, United States
- Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.