"In general, most fad diets have a trace of truth to them," says Heather Mangieri, a registered dietitian in Pittsburgh and an Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson. "They stem from some rationale, but the problem is people cherry-pick what to follow. They like that the diet doesn't include X, Y or Z food. But they fail to, for example, eat enough vegetables and fruits to get the vitamins and minerals they're missing from the foods they cut out."
Even people who do drop a lot of weight on a fad diet are probably giving that diet too much credit. "You'll hear about people who go on one of these diets and have all this success," Mangieri says. "But oftentimes, these are people who used to eat cookies and candy all day long. Their results stem mostly from eliminating all the extra junk, rather than this particular eating plan being so magical."
Here's a look at six diets that all hold a grain (or gluten-free alternative) of good advice in them, but are either taken too far, not followed properly, or holding on to ideas that just aren't backed by science.
read the full article here
TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Upper Table Rock Run
Even though it was a busy day, I still made time for a run on Upper Table Rock. Unfortunately I wasn't able to also make time to spend in my gym for some resistance training....hopefully tomorrow.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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