While you might find some of the research that follows surprising, there are no magic potions or super bars on this list. They’re all nutrient-rich whole foods, which a recent study revealed increase calorie burning by roughly 50% compared to processed foods, adds Sass. Eating less without feeling like you’re on a diet and burning more calories? We’ll take it.
read the full article here
TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Hike (#200 trail run/hike in 2014) and Squats
Today I completed my 200th hike/trail run of 2014.
I usually do something crazy like a backwards run up a Table Rock for an occasion like this, but today I took it a bit slower and easier by introducing Mason to the Jacksonville Forest Park trails. He found a dozen different types of mushrooms, learned about moss and ferns, and saw lots of waterfalls.....in addition to many puddles to jump in when we were up on the road.
Afterward I spent about 30 mins in my gym doing BB squats, DB split squats, and jump squats.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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