I got my day started off with running/hiking the Table Rocks again today and in the evening, after walking Elmo twice with clients, I did a good workout of weighted chinups, DB rows, DB rear delt flyes, pullups and hanging scapular depression/retraction.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Chest Workout
It's been a somewhat busy day, but I did make time for a quick chest workout of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets and ring pushups.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Jacksonville Trails
After I took yesterday off from most activity, today Clista and I spent a couple of hours running and hiking the Jacksonville trails. Later, I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mount Ashland Meadows
Went on a great hike this afternoon on the Mt. Ashland Meadows portion of the PCT with Clista and several of the girls from her school. Lots of great views and the wildflowers are still in bloom! Might be time to actually take a break tomorrow and let my body recover a bit.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Punisher -- Again? -- Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me!
I started the day by walking the Beast twice with Becki and then, since I was so active yesterday, I thought I'd take it easy today. But NOOOOOOO......the seductive Sirens lured me to the Punisher again. I did kinda take it easy and didn't try to run up it and I just did a light jog on the way down.
In the evening, I went on a good 1+ mile walk with Clista.
Plus, lots of VRAs, of course.
~Feelin' Alive!~
In the evening, I went on a good 1+ mile walk with Clista.
Plus, lots of VRAs, of course.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Birthday Workout
Early this morning before it heated up, I did my Birthday Workout! Four circuits of KB swings, squat thrusts, pullups, ring pushups, SB crunches and SB leg curls. The reps on the four circuits was my age and my birthdate (52, 8, 25, 58).
Normally because of the high number of reps, I do modified pullups and standard pushups in this workout, but this year I decided to add some difficulty to the workout and did standard pullups and ring pushups…....seemed like a good idea at the time.
Later when my gym heated up to 110 degrees, I spend 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
I completed my pushup challenge ahead of time a couple of weeks ago and did double my age non-stop (plus one extra for a total... of 105).
~Feelin' Alive!~
Normally because of the high number of reps, I do modified pullups and standard pushups in this workout, but this year I decided to add some difficulty to the workout and did standard pullups and ring pushups…....seemed like a good idea at the time.
Later when my gym heated up to 110 degrees, I spend 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
I completed my pushup challenge ahead of time a couple of weeks ago and did double my age non-stop (plus one extra for a total... of 105).
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Light Activity
Today I kept things light with 2 laps of the Beast, 30 mins on the heavy bag and 2 laps of Elmo......a nice active recovery day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hobart Bluff and Soda Mountain
Clista and I had a fantastic afternoon on the trails. We hiked up to Hobart Bluff (the Bonsai Gardens) and up to the Soda Mountain lookout. Great weather for it too!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chest Workout and Heavy Bag
This afternoon I did a good workout of barbell bench presses, dumbbell bench press & flye supersets, upper body medicine ball plyos and steep angle decline pushups. The plan was to do some papaerwork and chores after that, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it so I spent 30 mins of quality time with my heavy bag instead.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, August 20, 2010
Snatches and a Little More
Today I did a great workout of snatches, power snatches, power cleans, front squats, 1 arm kettlebell swings and pullups.....haven't done some of those exercises in quite awhile and it felt fantastic!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Table Rocks and Recovery
Today I did both Table Rocks again.....in order to help with the necessary recovery from doing the Punisher twice in 4 days, I only power hiked up, but I did run down both of them and ran across the LTR plateau. Lots of VRAs rounded out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Punisher -- Again
Did the Punisher again this evening.....this time with a young man (15 yrs old) who is leaving the valley soon. I gotta say that he did awesome, but this old man was still able to show the young Irish lad how the Scottish do things (barely).
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Lighter Day
I kept things a little lighter today and started off by walking the Beast once followed by 30 mins on the heavy bag, walked Elmo twice, took a 1+ mile walk with Clista and threw in a few VRAs to make it an active, but not too intense day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Monday, August 16, 2010
I got my morning off to a good start with a workout of Tabata chinups, Tabata ring pushups, Tabata crunches and Tabata squats with 5 mins of heavy bag at the beginning, end and between each exercise. I got out in the heat of the afternoon to mow the lawn and along with lots of other VRAs I had a pretty active day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Punisher
I awoke to the call of the Sirens again this morning. This time they lured me to the Punisher where they had their way with me for over ½ hour and left me as carrion for the buzzards at the top.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Heavy Bag, Intervals and Chores
After taking yesterday off for a recovery day, I got today started early with 30 mins on the heavy bag in the morning and later in the afternoon spent another 30 mins doing intervals of handstand pushups, pullups, ring pushups, kettlebell swings and crunches.....it was over 100 deg in my gym so I had to keep the intensity moderate, but it was still a good workout. Then I spent a couple of hours catching up on chores inside where it was a nice, cool 80 degrees.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Table Rocks and a Long Walk
The Table Rocks were calling me again today......I power hiked up and ran down both of them plus ran the LTR plateau. In the evening, we went on a long brisk walk, plus lots of VRAs made it into a fairly active day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Heavy Bag and Bike
I kept things a little lighter today to recover from yesterday's high level of activity......in the morning I spent 1/2 hour on the heavy bag, in the afternoon I made time to wash the Chemult pumice dust off my car and in the evening Clista and I went on a great bike ride to Bear Creek Park and listened to a little of the concert.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
105 Pushups, Table Rocks, and Lots More
I got my day started by hitting my 104 non-stop rep pushup goal ahead of schedule and actually did an extra to make it 105. Then, after having Becki and her son Tyler do a quick upper body workout, we all went on a 3+ mile brisk walk ending in a backwards walk up the Beast. After that I did both Table Rocks again (80% running). A couple of laps of Elmo and lots of VRAs completed the day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Monday, August 9, 2010
Bench Presses, Pullups and Heavy Bag
After yesterday's six and a half hour calorie burn activity fest, I slowed it down a little today and just spent 30 mins doing bench presses and weighted pullups in the afternoon and 20 mins on the heavy bag in the evening.....just right for a little active recovery.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Miller, Maidu and Lucille Lakes
Clista and I spent the day in my old stompin' grounds in the Chemult area. We hiked around Miller Lake and then continued up the trail to Maidu Lake and Lucille Lake, covering over 15 miles. Other than the swarms of huge mosquitoes that tried to carry us off, it was a great day of activity!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Light Day
After taking a break from exercise yesterday, I made today a light day and only spent 30 mins on the heavy bag and went on a brisk 1+ mile walk with Clista.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Beast, Table Rocks, Circuits and More
After walking the Beast 4 times this morning, I power hiked the Table Rocks again including running the LTR plateau. After this, I did circuits of pullups (modified), pushups, squats, SB leg curls and SB crunches for 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 reps. Lots of VRAs helped round out the day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Yard Work and a Concert
Had a more relaxed day today. I spent about an hour doing yard work in the afternoon and in the evening Clista and I rode our bikes to the park to listen to "One Horse Shy".
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Table Rocks and a Back Workout
This morning I got out and power hiked both Table Rocks and ran the LTR plateau.....only had to break stride once to let a snake cross the trail. Soon after getting back, I did a good back workout of weighted chinups, 1 arm high cable rows, DB rear delt rows and bodyweight pullups. This was all in addition to walking the Beast and Elmo twice each and lots of VRAs.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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Monday, August 2, 2010
Strength Training and Some TLC & SMR for the ITB & TFL
The only thing I made time for today was a good chest/delt workout of BB bench presses, supersets of DB flyes and presses, DB shoulder presses and ring pushups. I'm itching to do some leg work, but I've developed some ITB and TFL issues that need addressing. I'm hoping to do some light hiking and possibly some light running soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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What are you waiting for?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Float Like A Butterfly and Sting Like A Bee
I watched a video of the '66 Cassius Clay/Cleveland Williams fight this afternoon and it got me all worked up to do an 'old school' pro boxing match with my heavy bag......15 three minute rounds with one minute rests...complete with all the fancy footwork Clay was famous for....LOL.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Fitness Training and Education on the Trails of Southern Oregon
Visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ for more information.
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Blog Archive
- The Table Rocks and a Back Workout
- Chest Workout
- Jacksonville Trails
- Mount Ashland Meadows
- The Punisher -- Again? -- Ya Gotta Be Kidding Me!
- Birthday Workout
- Light Activity
- Table Rocks
- Hobart Bluff and Soda Mountain
- Chest Workout and Heavy Bag
- Snatches and a Little More
- Table Rocks and Recovery
- The Punisher -- Again
- A Lighter Day
- Tabatas
- The Punisher
- Heavy Bag, Intervals and Chores
- Table Rocks and a Long Walk
- Heavy Bag and Bike
- 105 Pushups, Table Rocks, and Lots More
- Bench Presses, Pullups and Heavy Bag
- Miller, Maidu and Lucille Lakes
- Light Day
- The Beast, Table Rocks, Circuits and More
- Yard Work and a Concert
- Table Rocks and a Back Workout
- Strength Training and Some TLC & SMR for the ITB &...
- Float Like A Butterfly and Sting Like A Bee
About Your Trainer

- Medford, OR, United States
- Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.