Making any change can seem daunting, but if you make things a habit with a six-week plan, any new discipline can become a healthy lifestyle habit. Pick one or several of these seven highly effective habits that healthy people practice every day for a new, healthy way of life.
1. Early to Bed, Early to Rise. As the saying goes, this “makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” To say that sleep is an important habit of living healthier is an understatement. Research shows us that sound sleep is worth striving for. Sleeping six to seven hours each night can actually help you live longer, maintain a healthy weight, and help you function better throughout the day. Make sure you’re trying to get to bed early and avoid late-night work sessions. Just as you start the day with a positive mantra, try to adopt a calming routine for evening. A warm bath, reading or journaling and a dark, cool room are key for young and old alike. Also, new research shows that keeping one leg outside the sheets can help regulate body temperature more effectively. Lastly, if you’re suffering from lack of sleep, skipping your early-morning workout and sleeping in may help (as long as it doesn't become a regular habit).
read the full article here
TOPFIT Daily Activities --- Jacksonville Forest Park Run
I had just enough time today between my morning and later afternoon commitments for a great run on the Jacksonville Forest Park trails......O'L Miners > Canyon Falls > Canyon Vista > Granite and through the Halls of Manzanita > Cantrall Canyon > Ridge View > Norling > Rail.
~Feelin' Alive!~
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