Time to get active again, so I started with an hour long bike ride, added about 1/2 hour of KB swings, pushups, crunches and heavy bag intervals, then threw in a mile long walk with the dogs. Later I did about 20 mins of intervals of jump rope and heavy bag as well as various random activities throughout the day.
Should This Substance Be Banned?
The chemical compound dihydrogen monoxide (or DHMO) has been implicated in the deaths of thousands of Americans every year, mainly through accidental ingestion. In gaseous form, it can cause severe burns. And, according to a new report, "the dangers of this chemical do not end there."
The chemical is so caustic that it "accelerates the corrosion and rusting of many metals, is a major component of acid rain, (and)....has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients." Symptoms of ingestion include "excessive sweating and urination" and "for those who have developed a dependency on DHMO, complete withdrawal means certain death."
Yet the presence of the chemical has been confirmed in every river, stream, lake and reservoir in America.
Judging from these facts, do you think dihydrogen monoxide should be banned?
~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I'm A Grandpa!!
Hailey Marie was born last night @ 7:35 pm. Cutest baby you've ever seen!!!
So, not much time to dedicate to exercise right now since I'm doing so much running around doing the supportive grandpa thing.
Did I mention how cute she is?
So, not much time to dedicate to exercise right now since I'm doing so much running around doing the supportive grandpa thing.
Did I mention how cute she is?
Friday, May 29, 2009
Rest -- Sort Of
Too busy running around today to make time for exercise, so today will just have to be a rest day.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Another Moderate Day
The day got off to a good start with 2 laps of the Beast, one which included a tough sprint near the top. After this I went on another hour long bike ride and followed that with some basic activity around the house including mowing the lawn.......not a bad day overall.
Please check out this great book written by a close friend.....if nothing else, the hits will help on Amazon......but the preview I had showed it to be a useful and valuable resource.
A Guidebook for Loving Ourselves: " a 21 day jump start on being happy" by Cindy Perry Patterson
Please check out this great book written by a close friend.....if nothing else, the hits will help on Amazon......but the preview I had showed it to be a useful and valuable resource.
A Guidebook for Loving Ourselves: " a 21 day jump start on being happy" by Cindy Perry Patterson
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Nice Moderate Cardio Day
Two laps of the Beast and about 150 walking lunges got my day off to a great start. Later I went on a good hour long bike ride. A mix of various random activities filled out the day nicely.
The dog does better squats than the man -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p88rFB33UJM
The dog does better squats than the man -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p88rFB33UJM
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Walking, Dips and Pullups
The day started with 2 laps of the Beast, followed by 10 supersets of 10 ring dips and 10 pullups, and I finished with 2 laps of Elmo. Simple and basic.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Plyo Benches and Medicine Balls
I got my Memorial Day off to a good start with a great workout of lower and upper body plyometrics with the plyo benches and medicine balls. I then followed this with 20 mins on the heavy bag.
And, let's give a hand to MT, the only die-hard client that wanted to train and do something for her health on a holiday!!
Since I still seemed to have some energy, I also went on a fantastic hour long bike ride that included some decent hills.
Now for some grilled salmon, and the weekend will be just about complete.
And, let's give a hand to MT, the only die-hard client that wanted to train and do something for her health on a holiday!!
Since I still seemed to have some energy, I also went on a fantastic hour long bike ride that included some decent hills.
Now for some grilled salmon, and the weekend will be just about complete.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Lower Table Rock and BBQ
I had a great hike up Lower Table Rock earlier in the day.....what a way to spend a Sunday!! Unfortunately, it probably didn't even make a dent in the 2 barbequed hamburgers I had later.....but, sometimes ya just gotta splurge a little.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Pedal, Lift 'n' Punch
Ok....I picked it up a bit today. I started the day with an hour long bike ride, followed that with about 1/2 hour of standard and sumo deadlifts, and then spent 20 mins on the heavy bag. Plus, the garage really needed cleaning, so that added to the day's activities.
And, there might still be some more various random activities in store for me later to add to this fairly active day.
You are what you eat -- http://www.good.is/post/picture-show-you-are-what-you-eat/?GT1=48001
And, wtf?......do you see what I see in the short order cook's freezer?
And, there might still be some more various random activities in store for me later to add to this fairly active day.
You are what you eat -- http://www.good.is/post/picture-show-you-are-what-you-eat/?GT1=48001
And, wtf?......do you see what I see in the short order cook's freezer?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Various Random Activities: Part Deux
Once again, nothing that you can call exercise was done today, but lots of various random activities kept me moving. I need to kick it up a notch next week I guess.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Various Random Activities
In addition to a couple of laps of the Beast, I had a day full of various random activities including yard work and car washing again......not a lot of dedicated "exercise", but lots of activity.
Half of you are going to try this next time you get the opportunity, and all of you are going to hurt yourselves -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgm9LgqgVyM
Half of you are going to try this next time you get the opportunity, and all of you are going to hurt yourselves -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgm9LgqgVyM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Snatch, Ride, Walk, Etc
A great snatch and power snatch workout, an hour long bike ride, a brisk mile long walk and some various random activities added up to a pretty good day.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
TOPFIT 400 + Some Walking
In addition to walking the Beast 3 times and walking/running Elmo twice, I did the TOPFIT 400 -- 100 reps each of pullups, pushups, crunches and squats.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Simple Day
Felt like taking it easy today, so all I did was the warmup and cooldown walks with Rob in addition to the workout I did with him which consisted of circuits of pullups, DB bench presses and KB swings. Simple and basic, but it got the job done.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Hooray For Tabatas
It's a busy day, but I made time to do a little workout of:
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata pullups
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata pushups
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata crunches
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata squats
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata pullups
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata pushups
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata crunches
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Tabata squats
Elliptical/x-trainer x 5 mins
Friday, May 15, 2009
A Mixed Bag Of Activity
My only "workout" today consisted of bench presses and flyes, but I rounded out the day with lots of various random activities including yard work and washing my car......sure looks nice when it's clean....LOL.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
After 1 lap of the Beast this morning, I did a workout of 10 sets of 10 reps of BB thrusters, 5 sets of 5 reps of overhead squats and followed that with some quality time on the heavy bag.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Rest Day
Ok, this time I really mean it. Other than some various random activities, I'm laying off the exercise today.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Lighter Day
Once again, I decided I needed a lighter day and this time I did it......I limited myself to only 1 lap of the Beast, about 300 yards of walking lunges and an hour long bike ride. The day ended with 1 lap of Elmo (walking and running). A nice recovery day.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Not Quite The Plan But It Was Fun
After the Grizzly Peak loop hike yesterday, I thought I'd take it easy today.......didn't quite happen that way though.........I ended up running both Table Rocks........well, I ran all the way down both and about 50% of the way up (which is an improvement from last time). That was after walking the Beast twice.
After this I squeezed in a workout of bench presses and BB rows.
Since volleyball was cancelled, I also spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
After this I squeezed in a workout of bench presses and BB rows.
Since volleyball was cancelled, I also spent 20 mins on the heavy bag.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
What A Fantastic Day!
The day started of great with a workout with RF that included supersets of jump pullups and pushups plus supersets of kettlebell swings and crunches in addition to the 1 mile warmup and 1/2 mile cooldown walks.
On my first set of pushups, I set a new personal record of 85 pushups.....well on my way to the goal of 100.
Later I went on a great 2.5+ hr hike with CP.
Throw in the other various random activities and it made for quite a day.
On my first set of pushups, I set a new personal record of 85 pushups.....well on my way to the goal of 100.
Later I went on a great 2.5+ hr hike with CP.
Throw in the other various random activities and it made for quite a day.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Too Active To Exercise?
No workout today, but I'd say it was a pretty active day........for the last 9 hours I've been going non-stop with laundry, mopping, vacuuming, client sessions, paperwork, bills, yard work, more laundry, more yard work, dusting.......oh good grief, make it stop.....LOL. More various random activities to follow too.
At least I got out in this fantastic weather for part of the day.
At least I got out in this fantastic weather for part of the day.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Great Day For A Bike Ride
Since the weather was so perfect for it, I went on a great hour long bike ride. I followed this with a quick workout of pullups and pushups in addition to some various random activities.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
I didn't quite get in the level of activity that I wanted, but I did do 2 laps of the Beast and did a great workout of front squats, SLDLs, weighted stationary lunges and calf raises.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Light Day
All I could get motivated for today was 1/2 hr on the x-trainer. I'll try to make up for the lack of activity tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The Beast and Stability Ball
I got my day started off with 4 laps of the beast and 4 circuits of hanging reverse crunches/curl-ups, SB tucks, SB back extensions, SB leg curls and SB crunches. A few other various random activities rounded out the day nicely.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Fair Amount of Activity
Nothing too creative today.....just a good workout of pullups, chinups, pushups and ring dips followed by 20 mins on the x-trainer. I finished the day with a couple hours of volleyball.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Another Mixed Bag
The day started with two 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with the kids when they came over for a workout. Later I spent 1/2 hour on the heavy bag and did a good workout of snatches and clean & jerks.
And the nice thing is, I'm not crippled from yesterday's activity.
And the nice thing is, I'm not crippled from yesterday's activity.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
The Punisher
Went on a nice little run/hike today. One of my friends, TR.....a pretty elite runner......has a little hill he likes to call The Punisher and he finally talked me into doing it with him. Let's just say I had my ass handed to me.....LOL. After a 1 mile warmup jog up to the trailhead, The Punisher, a narrow forest trail, climbs about 1500 ft in just a little over a mile. Then there's about a 3 mile run back down on trails and forest roads. To put this into perspective for those of you that know Upper Table Rock, The Punisher is a little shorter but gains more than twice the elevation.......freakin' STEEP!!! Just that part of the route took me about 32 mins, and the whole route took 75 mins.
You know I'm gonna have to do this again....
You know I'm gonna have to do this again....
Friday, May 1, 2009
Rest Day
I thought it was about time I gave my body a break, so no exercise today.
On another note, after 3.5 months I finally got my personalized "TOPFIT" license plates.....YAY!
On another note, after 3.5 months I finally got my personalized "TOPFIT" license plates.....YAY!
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Blog Archive
- Getting Active Again
- I'm A Grandpa!!
- Rest -- Sort Of
- Another Moderate Day
- A Nice Moderate Cardio Day
- Walking, Dips and Pullups
- Plyo Benches and Medicine Balls
- Lower Table Rock and BBQ
- Pedal, Lift 'n' Punch
- Various Random Activities: Part Deux
- Various Random Activities
- Snatch, Ride, Walk, Etc
- TOPFIT 400 + Some Walking
- Simple Day....Again
- Simple Day
- Hooray For Tabatas
- A Mixed Bag Of Activity
- Thrusters
- Rest Day
- Lighter Day
- Not Quite The Plan But It Was Fun
- What A Fantastic Day!
- Too Active To Exercise?
- A Great Day For A Bike Ride
- Legs!
- Light Day
- The Beast and Stability Ball
- A Fair Amount of Activity
- Another Mixed Bag
- The Punisher
- Rest Day
About Your Trainer

- Medford, OR, United States
- Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.