I decided to do the Punisher again and this time I took a little detour on the way down and did the White Rabbit out and back......that made for about 9 miles total of trail running/power hiking and one hell of a lot of hills!
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Light Upper Body
Oh yeah....I'm feeling yesterday's activities! Since everything in the lower body is sore, I decided to do a light upper body workout today.....5 circuits of handstand pushups x 5, pullups x 10, back extensions x 15 and crunches x 20.....basically an active recovery day.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Jacksonville Trails and A Lot More
I got my Memorial Day weekend off to an awesome start with a 2+ hr hike with Leah followed by a 1+ hr bike ride. Then after taking care of some business, I did about an hour of yard work and a great leg workout of front squats, SLDLs, calf raises and weighted stationary lunges. With a start like this, I just might get everything done this weekend that I had planned.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Table Rocks and Active Recovery
After yesterday's intense 10k+ run I decided to keep today more of an active recovery day......so, I power hiked both Table Rocks this afternoon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Jacksonville Trails 10k -- Carpe Trailem
CARPE TRAILEM!! I decided to seize the trail and exorcise some demons today so I went to the J-Ville trails and ran a little over 10k......I think I might have succeeded in exorcising the demons because when I finished, my gps read 6.66 miles (or maybe I just made things worse...LOL).
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Upper Body
Since I gave my legs such a good anaerobic and aerobic beating yesterday, I decided to do a good upper body workout today.....weighted pullups, DB rows, chinups, BB bench presses, supersets of DB flyes & DB presses, and supersets of hanging scapular depression/retraction & ring pushups. After this I spent 20 mins on the heavy bag. Later I walked Elmo twice with clients.
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Punisher
I took on the Punisher again today. Not quite a record setting pace, but it kicked my butt anyway.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Bells, Rings, Balls and Bag
Plyometric boxes, kettlebells, gymnastic rings, medicine balls and the heavy bag for about 80 mins made for a great Sunday afternoon workout.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lower Table Rock
Even though it was cold and windy, and there was a threat of rain and lightning, Clista and I hiked up and across Lower Table Rock this evening. After the first 5 mins we had the whole place to ourselves.....I guess the weather scared off everyone else.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Friday, May 21, 2010
A Good Full Body Workout
Today I made time for a good full body workout of BB front squats, BB bench press, BB rows, pullups and pushups. I let the weather intimidate me and didn't get outside for a bike ride like I had planned.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Table Rocks and Yard Work
I took advantage of the nice weather today and ran/power hiked both Table Rocks this morning. On LTR I ran about 90% of the way up and all of the plateau out and back, and the whole way down. On UTR I only ran about 50% of the way up and then all the way down. In the afternoon I spent about an hour doing some much needed yard work.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tabatas and Heavy Bag
Today I had a good workout of Tabatas and heavy bag.......
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pullups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pushups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata crunches
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata squats
5 mins heavy bag
I really need some heavy lifting and trail running soon!
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pullups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata pushups
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata crunches
5 mins heavy bag
Tabata squats
5 mins heavy bag
I really need some heavy lifting and trail running soon!
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Upper Table Rock Trek
Today, Clista and I spent the afternoon exploring Upper Table Rock some more. There's always something different to see every time I go up there.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Bike and Circuits
After several days of fairly low activity, I had a great hour long bike ride today in addition to 1/2 hour of circuits of pullups, ring pushups, squats, crunches and heavy bag.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Jacksonville Trails
Clista and I went on a great hike/run on the J-Ville trails today. Spotted some new wildflowers, got a good workout and finished just as the first drops of rain were falling.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
LTR TOPFIT TrailFit Free Trial Hike
Today I hike up and across Lower Table Rock with a small group on my TOPFIT TrailFit Free Trial Hike. The weather couldn't have been better, and for a such a beautiful weekend, it really wasn't all that busy up there.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Lithia Park
This afternoon Clista and I ran/hiked the trails in and around Lithia Park......so great to get out in this perfect spring weather!
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Another Lighter Day
Once again, I kept things fairly light. I started the day by walking the Beast twice and in the afternoon spent 1/2 hr on the heavy bag.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The Beast and LTR
I took it a little easier today and started by walking the Beast twice and ended the day with a great hike up Lower Table Rock with Clista and Rob (who set a new PR time on the way up....yay Rob). On the plateau it was really cold and windy, but it just made for a more memorable, invigorating and awesome hike!
Also, on Saturday 5/8/10 @ 4pm......TrailFit Free Trial Hike.....join us to experience for yourself the fun of a TOPFIT TrailFit hike. Here's your chance to see what everyone is talking about, and it's FREE! Contact me now......space is limited.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Also, on Saturday 5/8/10 @ 4pm......TrailFit Free Trial Hike.....join us to experience for yourself the fun of a TOPFIT TrailFit hike. Here's your chance to see what everyone is talking about, and it's FREE! Contact me now......space is limited.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Table Rocks With A Weight Vest On
After walking the Beast twice and wrapping up business early today, I power hiked both Table Rocks with a 30 pound weight vest on. After this, I mowed the lawn and did a workout of weighted chinups, DB rows, DB rear delt flyes and bodyweight pullups. Then, since the weather was still so great, Clista and I went on a 50 min bike ride. Plus, I rounded out the day's activities with lots of VRAs.
What did you do to feel alive today?
What did you do to feel alive today?
Monday, May 3, 2010
Push and Punch
After all the recent hikes and runs, my lower body is a bit fatigued. So, I thought I'd concentrate on the upper body today. I did a good "pushing" workout of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets, ring pushups and DB shoulder presses. I followed that with 30 mins on the heavy bag.
Anyone else get a good workout today?
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Anyone else get a good workout today?
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Lower Table Rock Piggyback
Had a great time with Clista, her son, his girlfriend and my son on Lower Table Rock today. I even carried Clista piggyback for part of the way up and down.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Upper Table Rock TrailFit Hike
Today was the day for another TrailFit hike on Upper Table Rock. Lots of wildflowers and the weather was fantastic!
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
It's here! TOPFIT TrailFit. http://www.topfitonline.com/trailfit1.htm or visit my website at http://www.topfitonline.com/ .
Fitness Training and Education on the Great Trails of Southern Oregon.
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Blog Archive
- The Punisher and White Rabbit
- Light Upper Body
- Jacksonville Trails and A Lot More
- The Table Rocks and Active Recovery
- Jacksonville Trails 10k -- Carpe Trailem
- Upper Body
- The Punisher
- Bells, Rings, Balls and Bag
- Lower Table Rock
- A Good Full Body Workout
- The Table Rocks and Yard Work
- Tabatas and Heavy Bag
- Upper Table Rock Trek
- Bike and Circuits
- Jacksonville Trails
- LTR TOPFIT TrailFit Free Trial Hike
- Lithia Park
- Another Lighter Day
- The Beast and LTR
- Table Rocks With A Weight Vest On
- Push and Punch
- Lower Table Rock Piggyback
- Upper Table Rock TrailFit Hike
About Your Trainer

- Medford, OR, United States
- Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.