After taking yesterday off from pretty much all activity, I got today off to a good start with a Lower Table Rock hike. I finished the day off with a couple of short runs with clients.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Health & fitness articles, pics, humor and a little peek at what your trainer does to stay healthy, fit and active.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
White Rabbit/Uhtoff Trails and Yard Work
Today Clista and I spent a fantastic day running/hiking the White Rabbit/Uhtoff trails, doing some heavy yard work and hobnobbing with the art crowd.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Heavy Bag
The only exercise I made time for today was 30 mins on the heavy bag. A little light gardening and lots of business and home related chores,errands and activities filled out the day.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, May 27, 2011
Leg Workout, Yard Work and a Brisk Walk
This afternoon I took advantage of a break in the weather and did a few projects around the yard. Afterward I did a workout of front squats, SLDLs and DB stationary lunges. In the evening, Clista and I went on a brisk 30 min walk.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, May 26, 2011
5k and Upper Body DB Workout
A good 5k run around the hood got my day off to a good start and later I did a fun upper body dumbbell workout.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Heavy Bag and Yard Work
Today's exercise started with a 30 min heavy bag workout followed by a little yard work and a brisk 1+ mile walk with Clista.
Still need to get to that heavy lifting sometime soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Still need to get to that heavy lifting sometime soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
LTR and UTR Plus Some Walking
It was a great morning to get out and run/power hike both Table Rocks. In the afternoon I went on a couple of 1/2 mile warmup/cooldown walks with a client. I should get to some heavy lifting some time soon.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, May 23, 2011
The only exercise I made time for today was a variation of the ~TOPFIT 400~ workout.....100 chinups, 100 ring pushups, 100 squats and 100 SB crunches. It might have been a fairly short workout, but it was enough!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Lower Table Rock
After an active playtime with Hailey this morning, Clista and I spent about 3 hours hiking and exploring Lower Table Rock. What a perfect day to be out on the trail! Of course, is there any such thing as a bad day to be out on the trail?
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Heavy Bag and a Brisk Walk
After a great client session and taking care of business in the morning, I spent 30 mins on the heavy bag, did a few household chores and then went on a brisk 1+ mile walk with Clista.
It was a good light activity/active recovery day.
“He has honor if he holds himself to an ideal of conduct though it is inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so.”
~Feelin' Alive!~
It was a good light activity/active recovery day.
“He has honor if he holds himself to an ideal of conduct though it is inconvenient, unprofitable, or dangerous to do so.”
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, May 20, 2011
Heavy Bag and Lithia Park Run
The day got off to a good start this morning with a 30 min heavy bag workout. After training clients, I went on a fun run with Clista in Lithia Park.
~Feelin' Allive!~
~Feelin' Allive!~
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Punisher, Weight Lifting and Yard Work
My day got off to a great start by doing The Punisher wasn't a record setting run/hike, but it kicked my butt. I followed this with a good workout of bench presses and weighted pullups and an hour of yard work. Lots of business and home chores and errands filled out the day nicely.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
It was a day off from working our, but I did spend an hour helping Clista with some heavy gardening so I did get some good exercise.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Heavy Bag and a Brisk Walk
I kept things fairly light today with 30 mins on the heavy bag and a 1/2 mile brisk walk with clients. And in the spirit of the true Renaissance man that I am, I also spent a couple of hours studying sports injuries, a couple of hours modelling, a little time on bonsai care and broke it all up with a few lively sessions on the ukulele.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, May 16, 2011
The workout that I had one of my clients do today really seemed to kick his butt. So, when I got home I felt compelled to try it myself...of course, with adjustments and modifications made according to my abilities and/or available equipment. I gotta hand it to RM for surviving the ordeal because it kinda kicked my butt too! It started with DB thrusters (squat/shoulder press combo) 5 x 15, followed by supersets of lat pulldowns 5 x 15 and pushups 5 x 20 (I did chinups and ring pushups), followed by circuits of crunches 5 x 20, SB leg curls 5 x 15, calf raises 5 x 15 and 3 laps of stairs--13 steps each lap (I did 1 min jump rope since I don't have stairs).
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Upper Table Rock
It may have been cold, wet and windy, but an Upper Table Rock hike with Clista was still totally awesome today!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Heavy Bag, Light Day
I had a lot of chores, business and family related activities today, so I made it a fairly light day for exercise.......30 mins on the heavy bag is all I made time for.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, May 13, 2011
Pullups, Lithia Park, Walking and Gardening
This morning's workout was a pullup workout along the lines of yesterday's bench press workout....lots of sets....heavy, light, high rep, low rep.
In the afternoon, Clista and I ran the Lithia Park trails, then we went on a good walk to check out the art scene in Talent. We ended the day with an hour of heavy gardening.
~Feelin' Alive!~
In the afternoon, Clista and I ran the Lithia Park trails, then we went on a good walk to check out the art scene in Talent. We ended the day with an hour of heavy gardening.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, May 12, 2011
LTR, Bench Press and Walking
My day got off to a great start with a Lower Table Rock run/power hike and I finished the day with some brisk walks with a client and Clista. The following describes what I did between those activities:
High reps, low reps
Fast reps, slow reps
Weights that were heavy
Weights that were light
Some sets were easy
Some were a fight
The bar above me
Loaded with weight
My contracting muscles
In control of my fate
With nothing to lose
And so much to gain
Supine on the bench
The sweat it did rain
The triceps they shook
The pecs they did twitch
That workout was truly
~Feelin' Alive!~
High reps, low reps
Fast reps, slow reps
Weights that were heavy
Weights that were light
Some sets were easy
Some were a fight
The bar above me
Loaded with weight
My contracting muscles
In control of my fate
With nothing to lose
And so much to gain
Supine on the bench
The sweat it did rain
The triceps they shook
The pecs they did twitch
That workout was truly
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
UTR and Heavy Bag
An Upper Table Rock hike/run and 30 mins on the heavy bag got my day off to a good start. The rest of the day was spent taking care of business, warmup/cooldown walks with clients and studying for CEUs.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, May 9, 2011
5k Run and Circuits
I got the week off to a great start with a 5k run around the hood this morning. Later, in an attempt to put off studying for CEUs I did 5 circuits of chinups x 10, ring pushups x 20 and plyometric alternating lunges x 30.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, May 8, 2011
KBs, MBs and Lower Table Rock
I took a break from all the studying for CEUs today and did a fun kettlebell and medicine ball workout in the afternoon followed by a Lower Table Rock run in the evening with Clista. We got a sunny break in the rain, a double rainbow and had the Rock all to ourselves!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Rest Day?
Although I didn't plan on doing any exercise today, I ended up going on a 45 minute walk....well, was with Hailey and it was only a little over a mile....there was a lot of stopping and exploring along the way with a little running thrown in. Plus, we spent a little over an hour running around the house and yard.....that is one active little girl!
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Friday, May 6, 2011
Heavy Bag x 2
I started and ended the day with 30 minute heavy bag workouts. Lots of chores, errands and business related activities filled the space between them.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Lower Table Rock, Yard Work and a Back Workout
It was a slow business day so I took advantage of the extra time and hiked Lower Table Rock, mowed and edged the yard and did a good back workout of weighted chinups, 1 arm low cable rows, bodyweight pullups and hanging scapular depression/retraction.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Pushing Through a Good Workout
Today I gave my legs a bit of a break and did a good pushing/chest workout of BB bench presses, DB flye/press supersets and ring pushups. Later, Clista and I went on a brisk 1+ mile walk.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Upper Table Rock, Walking and Running
The Table Rock Sirens were calling me this morning so I tackled Upper Table Rock with a nice run.
In the afternoon, I did several brisk warmup/cooldown walks with clients and we even threw in a little bit of running.
Now, it's definitely time to give my legs a rest.....running Saturday, hiking/running Sunday, brutal leg workout Monday, running today......the pain is setting in!
~Feelin' Alive!~
In the afternoon, I did several brisk warmup/cooldown walks with clients and we even threw in a little bit of running.
Now, it's definitely time to give my legs a rest.....running Saturday, hiking/running Sunday, brutal leg workout Monday, running today......the pain is setting in!
~Feelin' Alive!~
Monday, May 2, 2011
Leg Workout
I'll probably be feeling this tomorrow (with any luck...LOL).
Today's workout was all about the legs.....front squats, SLDLs, stationary lunges w/50# DBs and calf raises.
Haven't done a workout like that in a while.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Today's workout was all about the legs.....front squats, SLDLs, stationary lunges w/50# DBs and calf raises.
Haven't done a workout like that in a while.
~Feelin' Alive!~
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Past Week
This week my body said it needed a break, so I backed off considerably on the volume and intensity of activity. Even so, I still did several hours of yard work, lots of brisk walking, a little running, a couple of heavy bag workouts and a great Table Rock run/hike.
~Feelin' Alive!~
~Feelin' Alive!~
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Blog Archive
- Lower Table Rock
- White Rabbit/Uhtoff Trails and Yard Work
- Heavy Bag
- Leg Workout, Yard Work and a Brisk Walk
- 5k and Upper Body DB Workout
- Heavy Bag and Yard Work
- LTR and UTR Plus Some Walking
- TOPFIT 400
- Lower Table Rock
- Heavy Bag and a Brisk Walk
- Heavy Bag and Lithia Park Run
- The Punisher, Weight Lifting and Yard Work
- Gardening
- Heavy Bag and a Brisk Walk
- Circuits
- Upper Table Rock
- Heavy Bag, Light Day
- Pullups, Lithia Park, Walking and Gardening
- LTR, Bench Press and Walking
- UTR and Heavy Bag
- 5k Run and Circuits
- KBs, MBs and Lower Table Rock
- Rest Day?
- Heavy Bag x 2
- Lower Table Rock, Yard Work and a Back Workout
- Pushing Through a Good Workout
- Upper Table Rock, Walking and Running
- Leg Workout
- The Past Week
About Your Trainer

- Medford, OR, United States
- Hi! I'm Patrick Frey, your in-home, online and on-the-trail Personal Trainer, Fitness Educator, and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. With over 35 years of fitness experience, and certifications from the National Strength and Conditioning Association, the International Sports Sciences Association, and the American Council on Exercise, I have the knowledge and experience you need to reach your health and fitness goals. My interests over the years have included running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, olympic lifting, volleyball, and general health, fitness and nutrition. I've trained hundreds of people of all ages and abilities from elite athletes to sedentary couch potatoes, in everything from well equipped gyms to un-equipped homes, online, in the park and on the trails. To me, there's nothing more exciting than helping people improve their health, look better, feel better, or improve their sports performance.